We are looking forward to another semester of Brook Hills Men's Community Group.

If you are looking for a place to meet other men from various life stages who want to take steps together to exemplify Christlike leadership in our homes, church, work, and other pursuits, then this is the place for you.

Each week we will get together for 15-20 minutes of Bible teaching, with the remainder of the time being given for discussion and prayer around the tables. For more information, contact our group leaders below.

Join us in the Community Room on Fridays, from 6:15-7:30am.

  • Location

    -On Campus
  • Life Stage

    Singles 20s/30s, Singles 40s/50s/60s, Young Couples, Preschool Parents, Elementary Parent(s), Teen/College Parent(s), Empty Nesters, Legacy Adults, Multi-generational
  • Type

  • Childcare Provided?

  • Date/Time

    Friday at
  • Recurrence

  • Leader

    Jeff Kunard, Chris Amaro, Darin White
  • Contact

    Contact Group Leader

EMPTY SEARCH? Here are tips!
Try using less parameters.
For OFF-CAMPUS group searches, start with only the location.
For ON-CAMPUS group searches, use location (On-Campus) and lifestage.
If you don't find your lifestage, try multi-gen.

If the group search doesn't work for you, we're glad to help.
If you would like for a member of our Small Groups Team to recommend a group
for you, please complete this request form to get started.