The Young Couples Community Group, led by Rob & Shawn Grubb, meets weekly in the large gathering area outside B313. Guests are always welcome!

Each week, you'll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about various topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective.

Register here!

  • Location

    -On Campus
  • Life Stage

    Young Couples, Preschool Parents
  • Type

  • Childcare Provided?

  • Date/Time

    Sunday at
  • Recurrence

  • Leader

    Rob & Shawn Grubb
  • Contact

    Contact Group Leader
  • Register

EMPTY SEARCH? Here are tips!
Try using less parameters.
For OFF-CAMPUS group searches, start with only the location.
For ON-CAMPUS group searches, use location (On-Campus) and lifestage.
If you don't find your lifestage, try multi-gen.

If the group search doesn't work for you, we're glad to help.
If you would like for a member of our Small Groups Team to recommend a group
for you, please complete this request form to get started.