Christmas is about glory. It's about God's glory arriving in the person of Jesus Christ so that his disciples could write "we beheld his glory" (John 1:14a). We are the ones privileged with sight as the Word has come to us and with the eyes of faith, we've seen His glory as well.
But for many around the world, the Word has not come and therefore that window to glory has not been opened. "In their case," Paul writes, "the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ" (2 Cor. 4:4). But God is in the business of piercing their darkness with his marvelous light. And he promises to do so in Isaiah 52:15 as they "who had no news about Him shall see." We behold his glory on display, the nations wait with glory on the way.
And that is what Global Offering is all about. Global Offering is a fund we gather annually to support our missionaries and strategic projects around the world. This is a primary way we ensure glory we enjoy each Christmas season shines among peoples who currently live outside its light. By giving to the Global Offering, Brook Hills, you are giving the nations the chance to see his glory as the good news about Him arrives year-by-year.
This year our faith family is doing an Advent Devotional Guide through December which tracks with two components each day: "Glory on Display" as we look at Jesus' worth and "Glory on the Way" as we trace the steps of where your giving support workers or work around the world this past year. There is a corresponding map so that families and individuals can see the full breadth of impact you had last year as you gave to the Global Offering. You can pick up the advent devotional, "His Glories: Seen and Unseen," and the corresponding map in the lobby during the end of November and into December.
As we behold the wonder of Christ's glory this Christmas season, could there be a better gift to extend to the nations? We give to the Global Offering so they may see the only sight that saves: the sight of Jesus' glory.
You can also send your gift in the mail to our offices at
3145 Brook Highland Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242
(please designate your gift to "The Global Offering").