This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His gift of a new year. Ask God to help us live every moment driven by the work of the gospel in our lives. Pray for God to continue to grow our knowledge and understanding of His Word as we study it individually and corporately. Pray we will all be doers of God’s Word and not merely hearers. Ask God to grow our trust in Him and reliance upon Him in every aspect of our lives. Thank God for His ongoing guidance in our lives.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for each of our Local Disciple-Making Ministries (preschool, kids, students, college, singles, and adults) as each ministry seeks to glorify God in 2017 by growing in love for Christ and by multiplying disciples across our city and around the world. We are also praying for Urban Hope Community Church in Fairfield, and Pastor Alton Hardy.
DAY 1: Preschool: Pray for God to call people in this Faith Family to serve in Preschool Ministry and for all our current leaders to have
perseverance and to continue running the race this year (2 Cor. 4:1).
DAY 2: Kids: Pray for dads, moms, and those who serve with Brook Hills Kids to positively and significantly shape children’s faith in 2017.
DAY 3: Students: Pray for our students to be strengthened and emboldened in their faith to reach out to their lost peers and to commit to disciple at least one person intentionally over the next twelve months.
DAY 4: College: Pray for college students as they come back from Christmas break to remain strong in their commitments to Christ, school, and the church. Also, pray for them to remain in community and accountability with other believers.
DAY 5: Singles 20s/30s: Pray for our young single adults to grow in their love for Christ and to have boldness in sharing the gospel with
those in their circles of influence. Also, pray for lost young single adults in our city to hear the gospel this year and for God to open
their hearts to respond to God’s gift of salvation.
DAY 6: Adults: Pray our Small Groups will be warm environments where new people feel welcomed and are encouraged to grow spiritually, that our church members will reach out to lost people and point them to Christ, and for new Small Group Leaders to have wisdom as they begin leading groups this year.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our partner Ramesh Landge and the Cooperative Outreach of India ministries (COI). COI has been a partner for a number of years and hosts Short-Term teams. COI focuses on training pastors for church planting, engaging unreached peoples through community projects, and serving the poor through multiple ministries. Join us this week as we pray for Ramesh and his staff at COI.
DAY 1: Praise God for His faithfulness to COI and for how He has brought joy and hope to their staff and those they are ministering to in North India.
DAY 2: Persecution is a reality in the area where many of COI’s church planter’s work. Please pray for God to protect their team and to use even the persecution they experience to drive the gospel forward. Pray for these team members to be strengthened in their faith as God provides for them in their suffering.
DAY 3: Pray for the growing work of the Lord in various areas of North India. Pray for the COI as they work to strengthen believers in
different communities and for the church to continue to grow as a result of new disciples being made.
DAY 4: Pray for Ramesh as he leads COI. Pray for God to give him wisdom to shepherd his team and to have clarity of vision for the work
of COI.
DAY 5: Pray for Ramesh, his wife Gloria, and their children and grandchildren. Pray for God to give grace to their family and unify them together for ministry. Pray for their family to be a testimony to the surrounding community of their faith in Christ and God’s work in their lives.
DAY 6: Pray for God to get great glory from the work He is accomplishing through COI. Pray for God to call men and women to Himself
and continue to use COI to make the gospel known and establish His church among unreached people groups throughout North India.

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