This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His sovereign love for us. Ask Him to grow our understanding of His love to help increase our trust in Him. Pray for many around us who do not know the love of God, and ask God to use us to share the gospel with them and to be an example of His love for them through our own love for them. Pray for Him, in His sovereignty, to save many around us and add them to our faith family.
Pray for the City
This week, in observance of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we are interceding on behalf of human trafficking victims in the Greater Birmingham area, especially those who are minors, who represent over 50% of those trafficked. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the recruitment, transfer, or receipt of an individual by means of force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation, many times involving minors. Research over the past few years has shown that this is a $110 million industry annually in the Birmingham area. We’re also praying for First Baptist Church of Pelham and Pastor Daven Watkins.
Day 1: Pray for God to protect, rescue, heal, save, and restore human trafficking victims in our own city, especially those who have been unable to escape their circumstances. Ask that God would send His Holy Spirit to comfort the afflicted and be a very present help for them in times of trouble.
Day 2: Pray that God will bring awareness to the Body of Christ concerning human trafficking, and awakening to the community, nation, and world to the personal and societal destruction caused by this exploitation.
Day 3: Pray that the Church would be compelled by the biblical mandate in Scripture to seek justice for the oppressed. Ask God to speak through His Body in word and deed. Also, pray for local government authorities as they seek to combat slavery in all its forms.
Day 4: Sex trafficking and pornography are closely linked. Pray for sexual purity within the Church. Pray for individuals struggling with sexual sin and ministries like Awaken that are helping adults find freedom in Christ.
Day 5: Ask Jesus for an awakening among all offenders of human trafficking. Pray that they would repent of their sin, turn to Jesus, and become forces for freedom.
Day 6: Pray for our partners, The WellHouse and Blanket Fort Hope, and other organizations in Birmingham that God has called to serve victims of human trafficking.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Mid-Termer, Abigail, and her husband, Mark. Abigail was sent out by Brook Hills as a Mid-Termer working with Friends International. She and her husband, Mark, live in England. Mark is a professional athlete. Friends International equips churches and volunteers to serve, minister, and engage with international students. They also organize a range of social events and activities for international students.
Day 1: Pray for Abigail and Mark in their first year of marriage. Pray they would be faithful in pursuing the Lord and each other. Pray they would learn to communicate well and with love. Pray for their marriage to be an example for those around them.
Day 2: Pray for Abigail and her partner, Catherine. The two of them lead the ministry at Coventry College in England. Pray for them to work together in unity as they seek to love on and minister to international students.
Day 3: Pray for their social events. Each semester, Abigail organizes events around campus and with local churches. These events are outreach focused with the hope of sharing the Good News with students from around the world. Pray for the local churches to be involved and to want to reach out and share the gospel with international students.
Day 4: Pray for Abigail’s team as they support the university Christian unions during the massive Evangelism Week focus in February. Pray for creativity and wisdom as they navigate university politics and stay in contact with students returning to countries where speaking about the gospel is a danger.
Day 5: Pray for her team as they seek out and train new volunteers. Abigail and her team provide training in international student ministry to the local volunteers and rely heavily upon them for all of their events.
Day 6: Pray for the local churches around Coventry. Many of them are starting to relaunch student Bible studies that disappeared during Covid. Praise God for the eagerness of these local churches to share the gospel with international students!

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