This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for showing us in His Son, Jesus Christ, what true selflessness and servanthood looks like. Pray for God to develop each of us into servants of one another and others around us. Ask the Holy Spirit to grow our humility. Pray will be known first and foremost by our devotion to God and to one another in love.
Pray for the City
This week we are interceding on behalf of human trafficking victims in Birmingham. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery which involves the recruitment, transfer, or receipt of an individual by means of force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. Human trafficking includes sexual exploitation, forced labor, domestic servitude, and forced marriage. Research over the past few years has shown that Birmingham is no exception to this problem. We are also praying for Church of the Highlands and Pastor Chris Hodges.
DAY 1: Pray for God to protect, rescue, and restore human trafficking victims in our own city who have been unable to escape their circumstances. Ask God to send His Holy Spirit to comfort the afflicted and be a very present help for them in times of trouble.
DAY 2: Pray for God to bring awareness to the Body of Christ concerning human trafficking, awakening the community, nation, and world to the personal and societal destruction caused by modern-day slavery.
DAY 3: Pray for the Church to be compelled by the biblical mandate in Scripture to seek justice for the oppressed. Ask God to inspire and equip local government authorities to combat slavery in all its forms.
DAY 4: Sex trafficking and pornography are closely linked. Pray for sexual purity within the Church. Pray for individuals struggling with sexual sin and ministries like Awaken which are helping adults find freedom in Christ.
DAY 5: Ask Jesus for an awakening among all offenders of human trafficking. Pray they would repent of their sin, turn to Jesus, and become forces for freedom.
DAY 6: Pray for our partner, The WellHouse, and other organizations in Birmingham that God has called to serve victims of human trafficking. Pray for God to grant them favor, resources, and influence in their communities as well as success in their mission.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Jenny W., a Brook Hills long-term worker serving in East Asia. Jenny lives and works as part of our East Asia Church Planting Team. Jenny works as a physical therapist and is an integral part of the long-term disciple-making work in their city. She is currently in the States visiting family and friends. Join us as we pray for Jenny.
DAY 1: Praise God for Jenny and for giving her the opportunity to live and work as part of our East Asia Church Planting Team. Pray for God to make her steadfast in her job and to give her the energy to make disciples of those she is sharing the gospel with.
DAY 2: The political climate in Jenny’s country has been difficult lately, and there is a lot of pressure on foreigners living in her city. Pray for Jenny to be confident in Christ and to walk boldly knowing He has her there for a specific time and place and He is in control of every situation.
DAY 3: Pray for Jenny to be encouraged and refreshed while she is stateside visiting friends and family. Pray specifically for her time as she shares with Brook Hills on Wednesday night to encourage others to join in the work there in East Asia.
DAY 4: Pray for Jenny to be reminded of her identity in Christ and to walk confidently in who He has created her to be.
DAY 5: Pray for the people Jenny has shared the gospel with and is in relationship with. Pray for God to continue to soften their hearts to Christ and for Jenny’s friends to be saved.
DAY 6: Pray for God to glorify Himself through Jenny and to use her to strengthen the work in East Asia so many can call upon the name of the Lord and be saved.
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