This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, which made the way for us to be reconciled to Him. Confess and repent of your own sin in your life, and ask and thank God for His forgiveness. Praise Him for Jesus’ resurrection, which demonstrates His power over sin and death. Thank God for the faith He grants us through His grace so we might be saved.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Oak Tree Ministries (OTM), an organization that partners with The Church at Brook Hills to labor alongside the residents of Marks Village public housing community to seek fulfillment of God’s promises in Isaiah 61 in order to have mutual transformation that leads to a better picture of God’s shalom for all peoples in Birmingham. We’re also praying for Citizens Church of Irondale and Pastor Justin Karl.
Day 1: Pray for the name of Jesus to be lifted high in Marks Village and for God to draw many people to Himself. Pray specifically for some OTM boys who have recently trusted in Jesus and are learning what it means to be a part of God’s family. Pray that they would be raised up to lead others to the Lord and confidently share the hope of the gospel.
Day 2: Oak Tree Ministries is a trauma-informed ministry, which means it faces the daily reality of how trauma destroys God’s good design for His children. Pray for the OTM team to continue to grow in resiliency and intimacy with Christ as they walk alongside our neighbors experiencing deep trauma. Pray for families who have recently lost loved ones, are in the struggles of drug addiction, and teens who are breaking generational cycles of unaddressed trauma as they seek out mental health care and healing for their families.
Day 3: Pray for Oak Tree Ministries’ Community Advisory Board as they make plans for the future expansion of ministry in Marks Village. Pray for unity among the team, wisdom to prioritize needs in the community, and provision for the growth of ministry opportunities to families.
Day 4: Pray for our elementary students at OTM and Megan and Miya as they lead our children each week at small group Bible study on Mondays, small group special activities on Tuesdays and Fridays, and on Super Saturdays that are full of fun and learning!
Day 5: Pray for our middle and high school students at OTM, as well as Aaron, Dylane, Krisy, and Miya as they lead our teens each week. They lead a Bible study for high school girls on Mondays, a small group Bible study for teen boys and tutoring for girls on Tuesdays, a study for middle school girls on Wednesdays, teen boys hang out on Thursdays, and teen cleaning and lawn care jobs on Fridays and Saturdays.
Day 6: Pray for our ministry with adults in Marks Village and for Karina who daily supports our neighbors in every aspect of their lives. Pray for our relaunch of parenting classes in partnership with Lifeline’s “Families Count” program. Pray for our neighbors who are trapped by addiction to be ready to receive help and experience freedom. Pray for our neighbors who are facing serious health issues. Pray for our neighbors who are struggling to keep a job due to mental health struggles.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Ryan and Lauren F. serving among a least-reached people group from the Horn of Africa. Ryan and Lauren were sent out as Long-Termers from Brook Hills to engage a population of this people group living in the U.S. Through a creative business platform, Ryan and Lauren serve the needs of this people group and provide access to the gospel. Join us this week as we pray for Ryan, Lauren, and their family.
Day 1: Praise God for the opportunities He has given Ryan and Lauren to use their business to engage unreached communities throughout the U.S. with the gospel. Pray for God to be honored through these business endeavors.
Day 2: Pray for God to continue to open many doors for the gospel through opportunities the business offers. Pray for Ryan and Lauren to stay true to the task of seeking to glorify God among Muslims through business.
Day 3: The observation of Ramadan is happening throughout this month. Pray for God to use this time to draw many Muslims to Himself through the ongoing witness of their business team.
Day 4: Pray for Ryan and Lauren’s employees as they engage the communities of this people group with their product. Pray for good relationships to be built and for trusted friendships to emerge.
Day 5: Ryan and Lauren are trying to mobilize new employees in six different cities. Pray for God to raise up new representatives and team members to join their team.
Day 6: Pray for Ryan and Lauren’s family. Ask God to give them wisdom and encouragement as they serve together and make His name known among the least reached.
Sunday Setlist