This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for God to be honored during and through the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention this week. Ask God to give wisdom and conviction to every leader and messenger. Pray for God to help us grow to be more loving, compassionate, and unified as we strive to live in mission together as well as become safe from abuse and safe for survivors.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Christian Service Mission, a ministry committed to loving the underserved and under-resourced residents of Birmingham in partnership with local churches. They serve the community through acts of service by providing spiritual, social, and tangible resources for the purpose of seeing healthy change. Currently, they are also working to serve those affected by COVID-19 through food support. We’re also praying this week for Shades Mountain Baptist Church and Pastor George Wright.
Day 1: Pray for Christian Service Mission as they take 150 kids from across the city of Birmingham to Kids Across America Kamps. Pray for safe travels and the health of the staff, volunteers, and kids during camp (June 4-18). Pray for the salvation of many children, and by extension, their families.
Day 2: Pray for the volunteer groups coming into the city this June and July to serve with Christian Service Mission. Pray that as they seek to love their neighbors and serve the city of Birmingham well, Christ would be exalted and His gospel proclaimed throughout the city through these groups.
Day 3: Pray for Christian Service Mission as they work with the World Games to minister to the homeless men and women that will be temporarily displaced because of the games. Pray as CSM also works to help identify men, women, and children that are being trafficked during the games. Pray for protection and wisdom as CSM and their volunteers seek to minister in these difficult areas.
Day 4: Pray for the Christian Service Mission staff. Pray for Tracy, Jamie, Rhonda, Larry, Aaron, Katy, Dave, Willie, Jamie H., and Keith. Pray for the Lord to bring additional staff as CSM is looking to hire three new teammates as their ministry across the city continues to grow.
Day 5: Pray for financial provision for Christian Service Mission. Pray for all the generous donors and foundations that make CSM’s ministry possible. CSM is waiting to hear if they will be awarded a $600,000 grant to provide food to partners across Jefferson County for the next year. Pray specifically for this grant and others to come to fruition.
Day 6: Pray for the leadership at CSM to humbly seek the Lord for all guidance, wisdom, discernment, favor, and blessing. Pray that their service to the community would be an overflow of the love and mercy they have received.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Mid-Termer, Kaitlyn B., who is serving in Central Asia. Kaitlyn is serving for two years with a long-term team helping mobilize the local church among the least reached. Join us this week as we pray for Kaitlyn and her team.
Day 1: Kaitlyn is serving in a city where there is a large population of Baloch people. There is a growing network of Baloch women. Pray for increased opportunities to meet with them and share the love of Christ. Pray for these women to sense the “aroma of Christ” in Kaitlyn and her teammates and for it to be to them a “fragrance from life to life” (2 Corinthians 2:15-16).
Day 2: Pray for Kaitlyn as she continues learning the local language. Her classes will be transitioning to online only, and this may be a difficult adjustment. Pray for motivation, diligence, and perseverance as she continues to study. Pray that God would give her the ability to share the truth in the local language.
Day 3: Pray for Kaitlyn to remain closely and deeply connected to Jesus, the vine (John 15:5).
Day 4: Pray that God would send more laborers into the harvest, and for more people to go and plant their lives among the Baloch people.
Day 5: Pray for Sadie*, a local believer, and her father, Harry*, who also is a believer. Pray for the Lord to sustain their faith amidst threats of persecution from their extended family. Pray for the team as they continue in discipleship with Sadie.
Day 6: Pray for Sadie’s* family. God is at work in the family, particularly the mother, Alissa*, who says she believes all that is in the Word, but is still very afraid to make a decision to follow Christ. Pray for their salvation, and ask that the Lord would help them have confidence and peace in trusting him.
*Names have been changed for security purposes.

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