This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for freedom from our sins which can only be found through faith in Christ. Thank God for the freedoms we experience in our nation. Pray for wisdom in how to best live as good neighbors in our country knowing our ultimate citizenship is in Heaven. Pray for the leaders in our city, state, and nation to trust Christ, grow in their knowledge of God and His Word, and devote their lives to obediently following after Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Christ Health Center, a health clinic in Woodlawn that demonstrates the love and power of Jesus Christ by providing excellent, affordable healthcare for the uninsured while participating in local community development. Christ Health Center exists to see the sick made well and the well made whole. Christ Health Center gives patients access to the very best in primary care, dental services, and professional counseling, as well as medication therapy management through an on-site pharmacy. We’re also praying this week for The Church of the Highlands and Pastor Chris Hodges.
Day 1: Pray for God to continue to use Christ Health Center to provide affordable and quality healthcare to people who need it most.
Day 2: Pray for the nine new medical residents serving at Christ Health Center. Pray that after serving for three years with Christ Health, the residents will leave excited and called to use medicine as a tool to advance God’s Kingdom.
Day 3: Pray for the Christ Health Center patients. The majority of their patients are living below the poverty line, have experienced trauma, and have a variety of unmet needs. Pray that Christ Health Center would be a safe place for them to seek help.
Day 4: Pray for Christ Health Center’s participation in community development. Pray for healthy relationships with the local governments, schools, and other community partners. Pray for upcoming expansion opportunities throughout the city.
Day 5: Pray for the Christ Health Center board and leaders. Pray that they would lead Christ Health Center forward in unity and in an effort that is honoring and pleasing to God.
Day 6: Pray for the staff and volunteers. Pray that God would protect their unity and add the right people at the right time to keep the heart of the work pure. Pray that the team would enjoy the labor God has called them to and not grow weary in doing good.
Pray for the World
The Opening Ceremony for the World Games is this Thursday, July 7. All of the hard work that has been coming together for the athletes, staff, volunteers, and countless others for the last few years will be on the world stage this week for everyone to see. Learn more information about the Opening Ceremony here.
Day 1: Pray for this coming week. Join with others in lifting up the Great Commission over the World Games: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20.
Day 2: The theme for the Opening Ceremony is “Unlocking the Magic: Celebrating Birmingham’s Past, Present, and Future.” What the world knows of Birmingham is largely related to the racial tensions and injustices from years past. Let’s all pray that instead, the world would return back to their homes and share their experience of being treated with kindness, respect, equality, and love.
Day 3: Pray for all athletes and their entourages who will be competing in the World Games in the coming days. Pray for their travel to Birmingham. Pray for them to encounter followers of Jesus who will show them kindness and love.
Day 4: Pray for safety and security for all events and venues. This event will garner a lot of attention on the world stage. Pray for all the frontline personnel who will be working together to ensure that Birmingham is safe for everyone who comes.
Day 5: Pray for opportunities for the gospel to be shared and lives to be changed. This is a huge opportunity to share the love of Christ with people from around the world. Pray for boldness and that our faith family would be compelled by the Holy Spirit to share the good news with people they encounter.
Day 6: Pray for the volunteers from among our faith family who will have the chance to interact with athletes, spectators, and other volunteers from around the world. Pray they would represent Christ and The Church at Brook Hills in a manner worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Adapted from BMBA’s “Praying on the 7s” guide.
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