This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for Jesus' perfect sacrifice. Thank God for making a way for us to be cleansed from and forgiven of our sins when there was no way we could do it for ourselves. Pray for the faith to trust God for our salvation and to live in light of that truth.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Shelby County East Camp of The Gideons International, an association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus by sharing their personal testimony and distributing Bibles and New Testaments in hotels, schools, hospitals, and other strategic locations. They currently minister in 200 countries and territories around the world. We’re also praying for Faith Presbyterian and Pastor Jason Sterling.
Day 1: Pray for the people that received a Bible from the Gideons during The World Games. Pray that the Holy Spirit would create a desire in their hearts to read God’s Word and that the gospel of Jesus Christ would transform them. Pray that the gospel would continue to travel through them wherever they live.
Day 2: Pray for continued growth in the Gideons’ camp. Internationally Gideons are growing, but the same is not true in the U.S. Pray that more people would join the Gideons locally, in Shelby County, and across our nation.
Day 3: Pray for the Gideons’ Faith Fund Rallies. The Gideons have four Faith Fund Rallies each year to raise money to provide for the Bibles they distribute. Pray for abundant giving at each of the rallies this year.
Day 4: Pray for the leadership of the Gideons’ camp. Pray for wisdom and guidance as they meet weekly for prayer and monthly for planning and training. Pray that new leaders would continue to be developed and discipled within the camp.
Day 5: Pray for the Gideons’ church presentations. Due to Covid, fewer churches have been open for reports, and that number is increasing again. Pray for more open doors at churches. Pray for more opportunities to share about the ministry of the Gideons. Pray for wisdom and clarity as each presenter speaks to the churches.
Day 6: Pray for the Shelby East Camp of Gideons. Pray for them to be men and women of the Word. Pray that they would share their faith in Jesus boldly while distributing God’s Word. Pray that they would walk daily with the King.
Pray for the World
Join us this week as we pray for our partners, Ron and Kara*. Ron and Kara are preparing to move overseas to spread the gospel among an unreached people group in the Middle East. They are currently in the U.S., fundraising and preparing to go. They spent the last year training in how to learn a language, how to share the gospel, and how to build relationships.
Day 1: Ron and Kara will be moving to a temporary country for three years to learn Arabic. This week, they will be going on a vision trip to this country to look for housing options, for the best language school to fit their needs, and to explore different churches where they could attend. They are going on this trip with several of their future teammates. Pray for the logistics of this trip. Pray that the Father will guide them to the housing, school, and church that He has prepared for them.
Day 2: Pray for Ron and Kara’s team. They will be teaming up with three other young couples that they met during this past year of training. Pray for team unity. Pray for each of them to seek to serve each other and their families well. Pray for their marriages to be strong and established in the Lord.
Day 3: Pray for Ron and Kara as they spend this fall raising support to fund their time overseas. Pray that the Father would guide their steps and grow their faith during this process. Pray that all their financial needs would be met this fall so that they can get to the field soon.
Day 4: Pray for Ron and Kara and their team as they begin learning a language. Arabic is a particularly difficult language, including different dialects in different regions. Pray for them to have ears to hear and minds ready to learn all they need to be able to communicate the gospel in Arabic to those they will meet.
Day 5: Pray for their visas and platform for their future country. Visas can be difficult to get in any country. Pray that God will clearly guide them to the job and platform they need to be able to get their visas and stay in the country.
Day 6: Pray for the gospel to go forth to this unreached people group through Ron and Kara and their team. Pray for solid biblical truth to permeate every aspect of their lives, both in their temporary country and in their future country. Pray that God’s Kingdom will come and His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
*Names have been changed for security reasons.
Sunday Setlist