This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for our Faith Family Gathering. Thank God for the new members He has brought here to Brook Hills. Pray for Him to unite us together as a faith family. Ask Him to grow our commitment to our covenant with one another. Pray for wisdom and guidance as we continue to consider improvements to and development of our campus.
DAY 1: Pray for continued wisdom for Alonza and Vanessa, the board of directors, and the staff as they lead BMI in its efforts to fix marriages before they break and save marriages before they start.
DAY 2: Pray for healing and restoration to those who have been affected by broken marriages and relationships.
DAY 3: Pray for the many students who will be taking the marriage course for teenagers this fall. Pray they’ll be receptive to the Word of God.
DAY 4: Pray for the married couples who are being trained as marriage mentors at Brook Hills this fall. Pray for more couples to come forward to be trained next semester.
DAY 5: Pray for BMI’s ninth annual benefit banquet on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Pray for God to provide the resources needed for the end-of-year funding.
DAY 6: Pray for those who have come to faith in Christ through BMI’s marriage courses and for many more to be reached through this ministry
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Biblical Marriage Institute (BMI), a ministry dedicated to training and equipping the Church to model, teach, and advance biblical marriage in Birmingham and throughout the world. BMI ( is led by Brook Hills members, Alonza and Vanessa Jones. We are also praying for Sixth Avenue Baptist Church and Pastor John Lovelace Cantelow, III.
DAY 1: Currently there are two Brook Hills families living in Dearborn as part of the Church Planting team. Each year we send short-term teams and even mid-termers to serve in Dearborn. Pray for God to call out more workers from among us to join the work in Dearborn.
DAY 2: Pray for members of the Dearborn team to daily abide in Christ, staying deeply rooted in His word and fully relying on Him.
DAY 3: Praise God for how He has called out members of our church to be part of the work in Dearborn. Pray for the Dearborn team to grow in unity and be strengthened as they work together to be a light in a dark city.
DAY 4: Pray for God to provide an abundance of opportunities to share the gospel with their neighbors. Pray for open doors into households and deep relationships in the community.
DAY 5: Pray for the children that are on the Dearborn team as they go to school and interact with other children in the neighborhood. Pray for God to continue to use them as gateways into relationships and for them to see their important role in the mission of their team.
DAY 6: Pray for God to open the hearts of men and women in Dearborn to the gospel. Pray for those who our team will encounter. Pray for many to believe.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our North America Church Planting team in Dearborn, MI. This team is made up of Brook Hills families that were strategically sent out from among us to live and work among Muslim unreached people groups living in the city. Today, we have the privilege of having members of our team in worship with us. So join us this week as we pray for our team in Dearborn.
Sunday Setlist
Bless the Lord (Son of Man)
Son of Man, Son of Righteousness
King of the earth for sinners slain
I was lost in darkness bound
You ransomed my heart and I will sing
My strength, My deliverer
The One who rescues me
My hope, My redeemer
Your love has set me free
Bless the Lord, O my soul (4x)
In the splendor of Your majesty
From deep within my spirit sings
Holy, holy
Bless the Lord, O my soul (4x)
Sound of Adoration
Verse 1
When we were lost ones
You were the Shepherd that carried us home
When we were prodigals
You ran to meet us with open arms
And we can't hold back our praise
Verse 2
When we were refugees
You were the One who took us in
When we were enemies
You paid the price for all our sin
And we can't hold back our praise
This is the sound of adoration
Oh how we love You
Jesus we love You
You are the joy of all creation
Oh we love You
Jesus we love You
Verse 3
You are the Risen One
You conquered death and made a way
You sang our freedom song
Now we are dancing on our chains
And we can't hold back our praise
By the cross I am free
Your grace changes ev'rything
I was blind now I see
Your grace changes ev'rything
What Your Mercy Did For Me
Verse 1
I was hopeless I knew I was lost
Death and darkness were my only songs
I needed someone to come rescue me
Then mercy heard my plea
Lord You found me You healed me
You called me from the grave
You gave me a real love
I thank You Jesus
You washed my sins away
Oh now I'm living like I'm forgiven
You came and set me free
That's what Your mercy did for me
Verse 2
You gave me beauty for my guilty stains
And now I'm living day to day by Your grace
So excuse me if I can't contain my praise
'Cause I know that I've been saved
Every morning mercy will restore me
I will proclaim
Even if the world may fall before me
I will proclaim
That's what Your mercy did for me (5X)
Worthy of Your Name
Worthy Of Your Name
Verse 1
Rumors of the Son of Man
Stories of a Savior
Holiness with human hands
Treasure for the traitor
No ear has heard no eye has seen
The image of the Father
Until heaven came to live with me
A rescue like no other
Chorus 1
(Yes) You are worthy
You are worthy of Your name
You are worthy yes You are
You are worthy of Your name Jesus
Verse 2
You did not speak You made no sound
You died for Your accusers
And as Your blood fell to the ground
You redefined my future
Yeah on the day that You arose
The darkness ran for cover
For the King of kings has claimed His throne
Now until forever
You're my author my maker my ransom my Savior
My refuge my hiding place
You're my helper my healer my blessed Redeemer
My answer my saving grace
You're my hope in the shadows
My strength in the battle
My anchor for all my days
And You stand by my side and You stood in my place
Jesus no other name
Only Jesus no other name
Chorus 2
You are worthy
You are worthy of Your name
You are worthy yeah
You are worthy of Your name
You are worthy
You are worthy of Your name
You are worthy yes You are
You are worthy of Your name Jesus
Now Why This Fear
Verse 1
Now why this fear and unbelief
Has not the Father put to grief
His spotless Son for us
And will the righteous Judge of men
Condemn me for that debt of sin
Now canceled at the cross
Jesus all my trust is in Your blood
Jesus You've rescued us
Through Your great love
Verse 2
Complete atonement You have made
And by Your death have fully paid
The debt Your people owed
No wrath remains for us to face
We're sheltered by Your saving grace
And sprinkled with Your blood
How sweet the sound of saving grace
How sweet the sound of saving grace
Christ died for me
Verse 3
Be still my soul and know this peace
The merits of your great High Priest
Have bought your liberty
Rely then on His precious blood
Don't fear your banishment from God
Since Jesus sets you free

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