This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, on that first Christmas so long ago. Pray for opportunities to share the message of Christmas with others we encounter over these holidays. Ask God to soften the hearts of those who will hear the gospel through so many times of celebration and to grant them ears to hear and faith to believe. Pray for God to use us all individually and corporately as a church to carry the light of His gospel to many still living in the darkness of their sin, that we might celebrate Christmas next year with new brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries. ABCH strives to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services, such as Family Care Homes for homeless mothers and their children, emergency shelter care for children, foster care training, professional counseling for families and children, camps and events for foster care families, and seminars on child and family issues. We’re also praying this week for CrossPoint Church in Trussville and Pastor Ryan Whitley.
Day 1: Pray for foster parents and foster children as they worship in their local churches today. Pray for the parents to have replenishment and for healing, salvation, and spiritual development for the children.
Day 2: Come alongside foster children in prayer as they journey through their school year. It can be challenging for them as they enter new schools and try to make new friends. Their family story can make them different than most which can be no fun. Pray for their teachers, tutors, and administrators to have wisdom and patience.
Day 3: Today we are supporting social workers in prayer. Every foster family receives a social worker to help train and support them. These individuals can find themselves doing almost anything you could imagine on a given day from sitting bedside of a sick child in the hospital to representing the innocent in family court.
Day 4: Pray for the many resources invested in foster parent ministry statewide. ABCH is the largest faith-based provider of foster care services in the state, which takes scores of resources. Every year, over 1,000 volunteers serve with ABCH, saving them many expenses and stretching their budget. The noncash donations they receive, like diapers, strollers, and clothes, mean so much to their foster families. The cash donations from individuals, businesses, and churches transform lives through events like Camp of Champions and also help grant a debt-free college experience to foster children.
Day 5: Pray for the biological parents of foster children. The goal of ABCH is to see as many families reunified as possible, which typically amounts to 80-85% of the children. Every week, their social workers meet with biological parents in specifically designed settings to help them reattach physically and emotionally with their children.
Day 6: Pray for the churches that serve these foster families. Many foster children are experiencing church for the very first time. Where their former life felt very unsafe and unstable, the church can share the enduring love of Christ.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Long-Termers, C and A, along with their daughter, E, who live in Southeast Asia. They work at an international school. Outside of their roles at the school, they are also working to plant a church in their local community.
Day 1: Pray for C and A to be renewed day by day in the Lord and in His Word. Pray for them to hunger and thirst for the Word every day.
Day 2: Pray for their marriage to be marked with love and unity, and to be a picture of the gospel to their daughter and the people around them.
Day 3: Pray for opportunities to share with unbelievers through their jobs and in their community.
Day 4: Pray for the completion of E's adoption. Praise the Lord for the finalization of her adoption in their local country. Pray for their U.S. home study visit that will occur in January and for all the paperwork and applications to continue smoothly.
Day 5: Pray for the church plant that C and A are a part of in their local community. They will begin meeting weekly on January 8. Pray for many to put their faith in Him as a result of this church. Pray for unity among the core team.
Day 6: Pray for the youth Bible study that meets at their home every Tuesday. Pray that the 25 students that attend will know the Lord deeply and walk with Him.
*Names not given for security reasons.