This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ. Thank Him for revealing to us Jesus is the Messiah and pray for many others come to know Him as our Lord and Savior as well. Pray we will all recognize the cost of following Him and how supremely valuable it is.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for Christ Health Center (, a health clinic in Woodlawn that demonstrates the love and power of Jesus Christ by providing excellent, affordable healthcare for the uninsured while participating in local community development. Christ Health Center was started by Church of the Highlands to see the sick made well and the well made whole. Christ Health Center gives patients access to the very best in primary care, dental services and professional counseling as well as medication therapy management through an on-site pharmacy. We are also praying for Church of the Highlands and Pastor Chris Hodges.
DAY 1: Pray for the Christ Health Center patients. The majority of their patients are living below the poverty line, have experienced trauma, and have a variety of unmet needs. Pray for Christ Health Center to be a safe place for them to seek help.
DAY 2: Pray for the eight new medical residents serving at Christ Health Center. Pray that after serving for three years with Christ Health, the residents will leave excited and called to use medicine as a tool to advance God’s kingdom.
DAY 3: Pray for the staff and volunteers, for God to protect their unity and add the right people at the right time to keep the heart of the work pure. Pray for the team to enjoy the labor God has called them to and not grow weary in doing good.
DAY 4: Pray for Christ Health Center’s participation in community development. Pray for healthy relationships with the local governments, schools, and other community partners. Pray for upcoming expansion opportunities throughout the city.
DAY 5: Pray for their OB expansion and that it would be a place where every mother feels protected, loved, and cared for. Ask God to continue to use Christ Health Center to provide affordable and quality healthcare to people who need it most.
DAY 6: Pray for the Christ Health Center board and leaders. Pray for them to lead Christ Health Center forward in unity and in an effort that honors and is pleasing to God.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Morocco and all those who were affected by the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred September 8. While those who have been sent out from Brook Hills to this region are unaffected, many have still been impacted. Even though we are over a month out from this tragedy, we continue to pray for the people in this remote region as they rebuild.
DAY 1: Pray for the many relief volunteers who have gone to Morocco to respond to those affected by the earthquakes. Pray for the Lord to give them strength and endurance as they witness so much tragedy.
DAY 2: Pray for the conversations believers will get to have with those directly impacted and affected by the earthquakes. Much of the destruction was in a remote area of Morocco. Pray for these conversations to point those in need of counsel and comfort to our great Counselor and Comforter.
DAY 3: Pray for the Spirit to work in the lives of Moroccans during this time, softening their hearts to the hope of Jesus Christ.
DAY 4: The unreached population of Morocco is approximately 36,947,200. Pray for these people to be engaged with the gospel and be met with the hope of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to call people to faith and hope in Jesus Christ.
DAY 5: Pray for the missionaries in Morocco. While opportunities abound to share the gospel, pray for wisdom and boldness in their witness while ministering to those impacted and those continuing to live with the effects of the earthquake.
DAY 6: Pray for an estimated 500,000 people who have lost their homes and livelihoods because of this earthquake. Pray for the protection of those who have been sleeping outside in temporary shelters and tents for almost 2 months. Pray for the Lord to meet them in their physical and spiritual needs.
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