This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His good design for families. Pray for families in our church to grow in unity and love for one another. Pray for husbands and wives to live with and love one another as a picture of Christ and the Church. Pray for parents to raise their children in the love and admonition of the Lord. Pray for children to honor and obey their parents. Pray for us all to love and care for one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for Christ Health Center (, a group of health clinics in Woodlawn and Center Point that demonstrate the love and power of Jesus Christ by providing excellent, affordable healthcare for the uninsured and underinsured while participating in local community development. Christ Health Center was started in partnership with Church of the Highlands to see the sick made well and the well made whole. Christ Health gives patients access to the very best in primary care, mental health care, dental services, and professional counseling, as well as medication therapy management through an on-site pharmacy. They serve some of our Oliver and refugee families. We are also praying for Church of the Highlands and Pastor Chris Hodges.
DAY 1: Pray for the Christ Health Center patients. The majority of their patients are living below the poverty line, have experienced trauma, and have a variety of unmet needs. Pray Christ Health Center would be a safe place for them to seek help.
DAY 2: Pray for the eight new family medicine residents starting at Christ Health Center this June. Pray the residents will leave excited and called to use medicine as a tool to advance God’s kingdom after their three years with Christ Health.
DAY 3: Pray for the staff and volunteers. Ask God to guard their unity and add the right people at the right time to keep the heart of the work pure. Pray the team would enjoy the labor God has called them to and not grow weary in doing good.
DAY 4: Pray for Christ Health Center’s participation in community development. Pray for healthy relationships with the local governments, schools, and other community partners. Pray for upcoming expansion opportunities throughout the city.
DAY 5: Pray for Christ Health’s OB program to be the place where every mother feels protected, loved, and cared for. Pray God continues to use Christ Health Center to provide affordable and quality healthcare to people who need it most.
DAY 6: Pray for the Christ Health Center board and leaders. Pray they would lead Christ Health Center forward in unity and in an effort that honors and is pleasing to God.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our summer mid-termers, Olivia and JP, and our long-termer, Celena.
DAY 1: Please pray for Olivia as she embraces this summer mid-term opportunity and joins a team working in a global city in the Middle East. Pray for her faithfulness to abide in Christ as a disciple (John 15) and for her boldness to declare the glory of Christ among the primarily Muslim population where she will be serving.
DAY 2: Please pray for JP as he embraces this summer mid-term opportunity to serve among the least-reached in the Middle East. Pray for God’s grace to be his strength (2 Tim. 2:1) so he can embrace the demands of gospel ministry as he labors to disciple the nations.
DAY 3: Please pray for the seeds Olivia and JP will sow this summer to bear fruit in due time and for them to patiently endure the sowing season entrusted to them this summer. Pray for open hearts to receive their message “not as the word of men, but as the word of God” (1 Thess. 2).
DAY 4: Please be in prayer for Celena who we are commissioning to Central Asia. Praise God for the faithfulness He showed her to sustain her faithfulness during her mid-term stint and now that she is going back long-term, pray for her strength and endurance as she joyfully gives thanks to the Father for enabling her to share in the kingdom hope we have (Col. 1:9-14).
DAY 5: Pray for the small church in a rural city that Celena will reintegrate with upon returning. Pray for the local brother and near-culture brother who have just been appointed as elders to serve faithfully. Pray for the unity of the body in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:1-3).
DAY 6: Pray for open doors for Celena and her church to proclaim the gospel, for wisdom for those opportunities (Eph. 6:19-20), and for God to save sinners and mature them in Christ among His body (Ephesians 4:1-16).

SummerMix 2025