This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Word. Ask Him to guide our study through Philippians and to use our time in Scripture to grow our faith and further transform us into the image of His Son. Pray for us all to experience the unbounded joy He has for us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Brook Hills students of all ages and our partner schools in Birmingham as they return to school after the extended holiday break. We also want to pray for their parents, teachers, and administrators. We want to pray for all students to finish the school year strong. We are also praying for North Shelby Baptist Church and Pastor Jared Cornutt.
DAY 1: Pray for all students to grow in knowledge, maturity, and ability as they prepare themselves to achieve God’s purposes for their lives in 2025 and beyond.
DAY 2: Pray our students would take advantage of opportunities to influence their friends, classmates, and school staff to know and grow in Christ during 2025. Pray they would be bold in displaying and declaring the gospel to others and for their friends to come to faith in Christ.
DAY 3: Pray for teachers, home school parents, and administrators to have wisdom, skill, sensitivity, patience, and endurance as they help students learn, grow, and finish the school year strong. Pray also for parents as they guide, encourage, and support their students this year.
DAY 4: Pray for the faculty, students, and families at Oliver Elementary and other partner schools in the inner city. Pray for God to give wisdom and skill to the faculty, for students to hear and respond to the gospel, and for parents to lead out helping their students finish the school year strong.
DAY 5: Pray for our students as they participate in Collide in a couple of weeks. Pray for Collide to encourage and strengthen their relationships with one another and Jesus.
DAY 6: Pray for our university students as they begin a new semester. Ask God to give them strength and abilities in their daily tasks, diligence in their course work, and above all a greater desire to know and obey Jesus this year.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for some of our long-termers in the Middle East as they transition back to the States in February.
DAY 1: Recently our long-termers experienced persecution from the people group they are trying to reach that damaged their reputation and relationships. Ask God for His provision as they make changes to strengthen and support the presence of their work in unreached communities in other places around the world.
DAY 2: Pray for those who have waged the attack on our long-termers and the work they have been doing. Ask the Spirit to soften their hearts, open their eyes, and call them to Himself. Pray they will experience a radical transformation from persecutors to followers of Christ and disciple-makers.
DAY 3: Pray for our long-termers to finish their season of serving in the Middle East well. Ask God to work in the midst of this transition to strengthen their faith and trust in Him. Pray they would sow seeds of the gospel to those around them to the very end.
DAY 4: Ask the Lord to remind them of His promises from Scripture to never leave or forsake them. Ask the Spirit to give them comfort and reassurance in His provision and purposes for their life, work, and ministry.
DAY 5: Ask God to help our long-termers lead their family with wisdom, mercy, and grace as they transition back to the States. Ask the Lord to give them patience and understanding in the days ahead as they adjust to life in a new context.
DAY 6: Pray for our long-termers as they are expecting another child in the Spring. Pray for mom and baby, and ask God to give them good health and strength. Ask Him to protect and sustain mom through the remainder of her pregnancy and childbirth.