This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the strength and courage provided by His presence with us. Pray we will all rely on Him and stand firm as we contend for the faith. Pray for Him to help us all endure through any struggle or suffering we may face.
Pray for the City
In support of the national Sanctity of Human Life Sunday every January, we are praying for the lives of the unborn across our nation; for biological, adoptive, and foster parents; and for all people in our nation to recognize the intrinsic value of all human life - from the moment of conception to natural death. We are also praying for Valleydale Church and Pastor Mac Brunson.
DAY 1: Pray for pregnant women in our city and across the nation to comprehend the immeasurable value of the child they are carrying as reverently fashioned by God and made in His Image. Ask God to give them understanding, courage, and relational support to choose life.
DAY 2: Pray for the Church to stand in the gap for the unborn, the most defenseless of God’s children. Pray for us as a church to faithfully make disciples among the parents of the unborn and support them as they choose life.
DAY 3: Pray for elected officials and medical professionals to experience conversion of mind and heart about supporting abortion on demand. Pray for political leaders in various states to understand the intrinsic value of each life in their state, both the born and the unborn.
DAY 4: Pray for women and men who are mourning the loss of a child to abortion. Pray for them to recognize and embrace God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness through Jesus. Pray they would apply the truths of the gospel to themselves and experience God’s mercy and peace. Pray they would be comforted by the Spirit and the Church.
DAY 5: Pray for the ministries of Sav-A-Life Vestavia, Sav-A-Life Shelby, and Anne’s New Life Center as they seek to encourage moms and dads on a weekly basis to choose life. Pray for Lifeline Children’s Services, Alabama Baptist Children's Homes, Her Choice, Positive Choices, Life on Wheels, Abortion Recovery Alabama and other ministries in our city that offer resources, education, support, and counseling to couples facing unexpectant pregnancies. Pray for the gospel to go out through each of them and for many unbelieving men and women to turn to the Lord.
DAY 6: Pray all Christ-followers in Birmingham would truly grasp what it means to be “pro life,” actively defending the biblical truth that all human life is made in the image of God and holds significant value from the womb to the tomb. Pray we would all support vulnerable children and their families and that we would value everyone equally as image-bearers.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Julia B, one of our long-termers serving in North Africa. Julia serves as a principal at an international school.
DAY 1: Julia’s job is very demanding and requires a lot of stamina and energy. Ask the Lord to sustain her physically and mentally as she leads the school.
DAY 2: Ask God to give Julia wisdom and discernment as she leads and mentors teachers and students from many different backgrounds and cultures. Pray she would be a servant leader.
DAY 3: Julia is actively involved in a local fellowship. Pray for her local body, and ask the Lord to bless them and add to their number. Pray they would grow in faith and knowledge of the Word and be a bold witness in their city. Pray for Julia to continue to trust the Lord and grow deeper in her faith.
DAY 4: Pray for Julia to be a light in her neighborhood as she interacts with her neighbors and intentionally engages with those who would be considered the “least” in that culture.
DAY 5: Ask God to give Julia unique opportunities to share her faith with others, particularly those who may have never heard the Good News. Ask God to open the eyes and hearts of those who need to hear through her faithfulness to share. Pray for the Spirit to draw them to the Savior.
DAY 6: Julia will conclude her time in North Africa later this year. Ask the Lord to help her endure to the end. Ask Him to bless her and keep her. Pray for Him to renew her energy, sustaining her and guiding her, preparing her to leave well.