This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for calling us to join Him in His mission of making disciples around the world. Pray for our upcoming Great Commission Conference to be a time we are all challenged, convicted, encouraged, and inspired by God’s Word and the testimonies of many faithfully serving among the nations. Ask God to help us all see the role we have to play in fulfilling His Great Commission.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for the Shelby Baptist Association (SBA) located in Columbiana. The mission of Shelby Baptist Association is “Serving Christ Together“ as they seek to enable and assist member churches to accomplish their mission, promote and help churches coordinate mission and ministry opportunities, and partner together to accomplish the Great Commission locally and globally. We are also praying for Liberty Baptist Church in Chelsea and Pastor Tim Cox.
DAY 1: Pray for SBA churches to be salt and light in their neighborhoods by seeing and meeting needs within their communities. Pray for the many Community Ministries occurring at the Shelby Baptist campus to be a successful outreach platform for evangelism and ministry into the community by local churches.
DAY 2: Pray for the Shelby Baptist Association staff as they aim to equip the saints in area churches for the work of ministry.
DAY 3: Pray churches in the SBA would boldly teach and preach the truth of the gospel.
DAY 4: Pray the Shelby Baptist Association would successfully promote unity and fellowship among area churches.
DAY 5: Pray for the new SBA dental clinic and other innovative ministry tools to be used effectively by the area churches to evangelize and make disciples among the lost in our city.
DAY 6: Pray for the SBA staff to lead with integrity and model a life of dependence on Christ.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our long-termers, Abigail and Mark P serving in England.
DAY 1: Pray for the small team working together on international student outreach in the city of Coventry. Ask the Lord to draw students from all over the world to engage with the team and hear the Good News through their outreach efforts.
DAY 2: Pray for the students counting the cost of the gospel as they learn what it would mean to be a Christian in their home countries - especially specific students from mainland China, India and Iran. Ask the Lord to open their eyes and help them believe in the one, true God and to have faith to follow Him.
DAY 3: Pray for the summer term of outreach, as Abigail makes connections with new churches and ministries to develop additional partnerships and recruit workers. Ask the Lord to give her favor as she seeks to bring churches and ministries together in partnership to reach international students.
DAY 4: Ask God to provide workers and volunteers to help with the outreach programming. Pray for relationships to form with students that will ultimately result in discipleship opportunities.
DAY 5: Pray Abigail and Mark would grow in their faith and love for Christ. Ask God to enable them to work and serve together in unity in their church and in their outreach efforts.
DAY 6: Ask the Lord to provide Mark and Abigail all they need as new parents. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom and discernment and for their marriage and parenting to reflect Christ to those around them.