This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for parents as they faithfully carry out the mission of being the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children. Pray for strength and grace as they carry out this incredibly important task God has given them. Pray for our faith family, as we partner with these parents in worshiping together, in caring for their children, and in sharing the gospel with their children.
Pray for the City
Cross Cultural Connections ( is a refugee resettlement and long-term development agency serving both refugees and legal immigrants in the Birmingham Metro area. They currently serve 34 newly resettled refugees assisting with housing, furnishings, workforce development, cultural orientation, English classes and more. CCC also serves 12 long-term development families through ongoing development. The families in both programs come from across the globe, many of which are from least reached people groups. CCC uses a model of long-term relationships to plant and water gospel seeds with the hope new believers will share their faith with their families, friends and people groups. CCC was started by Brook Hills member, Kathy Woods. We are also praying for First Baptist Church Hoover and Pastor Eric Roberts.
DAY 1: Since December, CCC has resettled thirty-four refugees in both Birmingham and Montgomery. Pray for these families as they acclimate to their new neighborhoods and navigate the challenges new immigrants face in Alabama.
DAY 2: Pray that God would continue to provide financial resources for our families. It takes an average of $10,000 per person to resettle and provide support services for three years. With the end of federal funding for the refugee program, 100% of CCC’s work happens through the local church and private donors.
DAY 3: Pray for new volunteers as CCC seeks to keep overhead and staffing costs down by using volunteers to serve our clients in as many ways as possible.
DAY 4: Pray for the CCC staff. Each client has endured vast amounts of trauma, and each staff member is walking through difficult places with them as they process and heal. Pray that the staff would remain encouraged and be able to care for the clients well, while sharing the hope of Jesus.
DAY 5: CCC currently has 7 newly resettled adult clients in Birmingham and 5 in Montgomery that are currently looking for employment. Pray for Christian employers that are willing to hire refugees and pay a living wage.
DAY 6: Pray for relationships to be built and for the gospel to go forth to all our clients and their families.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our college students as they leave to serve on short-term teams in North Africa and Central Asia.
DAY 1: Pray for travel mercies and good health as they make their way to North Africa and Central Asia. Ask the Lord to sustain them and provide for their every need.
DAY 2: Pray that the Lord would use the team to encourage and bless the workers in North Africa. Pray that they would be quick to serve and encourage our Brook Hills families there
DAY 3: Pray for softened hearts and eager minds to hear and understand the gospel. Pray for the people the team will encounter while they are there. Pray that God would give them boldness to share when the opportunity arises.
DAY 4: Pray that God would give them wisdom as they engage in conversations. Ask the Lord to help them be slow to speak and quick to listen. Pray that they would discern who are people of peace, and who would be open to hearing about Jesus
DAY 5: Pray that the Lord would bless the work of the team while they are there. That they would be a blessing to those they are with and to those they come in contact with. Pray that gospel seeds would be planted and that those seeds would bear fruit, by the power of the Spirit.
DAY 6: Ask the Lord to grow the faith of our college students as they engage with local believers and our missionaries. Ask God to work in their hearts and minds as they hear stories of God’s faithfulness and greatness. Pray that their time in North Africa and Central Asia will impact their lives for God’s glory in all nations.