This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Word. Thank Him for all the faithful Bible teachers we have in our faith family, and pray for Him to grant them understanding and help as they share the Scriptures. Pray for God to grow our love and hunger for His word. Ask the Spirit to use our own study of God’s Word to continue to transform us more and more into the image of Christ.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for the Unlocking Second Chances Conference at Brook Hills Tuesday, February 19, and the local and national efforts being made to help ex-offenders fulfill their God-given potential and overcome barriers to employment, housing, and other things necessary for a restored and productive life. We are also praying for Christ Church PCA, Trussville, and Pastor James Dickson.
Day 1: Pray for the upcoming Unlocking Second Chances event on Tuesday, that many Christian men and women in our
faith family and in the city would be empowered to get involved in unlocking brighter futures for those who have paid their
debt to society.
Day 2: Pray for the 26,000 men and women that are in Alabama’s prison system. Ninety percent or more of these men and women will eventually be released. Pray they will have an encounter with Jesus, rise from their failures, repay their debt to society, and help restore and heal our communities affected by crime.
Day 3: Pray for opportunities for the approximately 70 million American adults who have a criminal record. Although many of these have paid their debt to society, they are still faced with a widespread social stigma limiting their access to education, jobs, housing, and other things necessary for leading a productive life.
Day 4: Pray for the Church to extend mercy and embrace those who have done wrong, helping to build a culture of spiritual growth and second chances in Alabama that reflects the God-given dignity and potential of all individuals.
Day 5: Pray for all those on the front lines who daily minister the freeing and healing power of the Word of God to those in our prison system and advocate for restorative solutions for individuals responsible for crime.
Day 6: Pray for all those who have come to faith in Christ while incarcerated. Pray they would not lose hope and would seek to further God’s kingdom even while incarcerated. Pray they may have a positive impact on their families and upon release would be able to live a God honoring and productive life within their communities.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Term family Caleb and Beth T. serving in Southeast Asia. Caleb and Beth were commissioned out last week in our gatherings and arrived in Southeast Asia this week. They will be joining an existing team in their city and will spend the next year immersed in language in culture so they can engage and share the gospel in their city among an unreached people group. Join us as we pray for Caleb and Beth and their family. We are also praying for our short-term teams serving in Southeast Asia.
Day 1: Praise God for calling Caleb and Beth to Southeast Asia. Pray for God to use their family to make Himself known throughout their city.
Day 2: Pray for Caleb and Beth as they just arrived in their new city and are looking for a home to rent. Pray for God to provide for their needs and give them mercy as they search and seek out the place He wants them to settle their family.
Day 3: Pray for Caleb and Beth’s marriage to be strong and grounded in the Lord amidst transition and change.
Day 4: Pray for Caleb as he begins language classes in the next few weeks. Pray for God’s grace as he studies. Pray for Caleb to find his identity in Christ as he navigates learning how to communicate within this new context.
Day 5: Pray for God to make Caleb and Beth effective in loving their neighbors and sharing the goodness of God with each person they meet.
Day 6: Pray for a spiritual awakening throughout Southeast Asia and an openness to the good news.
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