This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the favor and blessing He bestows upon us. Pray for more people to come to know God and worship Him. Pray for emerging generations to put their faith in Christ. Thank God for all of the good He works in and through our lives.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Brook Hills Quilting Ministry. This ministry began in the fall of 2014 and until the pandemic, met twice a month. Through the years, the Brook Hills Quilting Ministry has used their gifts to care for BH foster children, children at Alabama Children’s Home, homeless men at Brother Bryan, homeless children through Project Night, premature babies at the UAB NICU, orphans in Haiti, and to sew masks for the needy during the pandemic and serve many others. We’re also praying this week for First Baptist Church of Trussville and Pastor Buddy Champion.
Day 1: Pray for new members to join the BH Quilting Ministry. COVID-19 has forced many long-time members to retire from the group. Pray the Lord would ignite a passion for sewing and creating in other BH members' hearts, and that they would join and help grow the team.
Day 2: Pray for perseverance for the BH Quilting Ministry. Due to COVID-19 and the loss of members, continuing the ministry has become a laborious task for the few that remain. Pray that the Lord will renew their strength and passion for loving on the vulnerable through their beautiful sewing projects.
Day 3: Pray for the health of the BH Quilting Ministry team. Many of the members are over the age of sixty and are considered high-risk for the virus. Pray for protection from the virus for them and for a vaccine to be available soon.
Day 4: Pray for the gospel to remain at the center of the BH Quilting Ministry. Pray that through the quilts and other gifts being made, a picture of the gospel would be clear for all to see.
Day 5: Pray for the ministries that partner with the BH Quilting Ministry. Pray that each of those ministries would continue the work started through the gift of a quilt and continue to disciple those in their care.
Day 6: Pray for the people that receive the projects made by the BH Quilting Ministry. Pray they would feel the love of Christ through the gift they receive.
Pray for the World
This week we continue to highlight our month-long celebration of the Global Offering. The Global Offering is an opportunity for us as a church to give above and beyond our regular giving so we can send, support, and open new pathways of opportunities to engage the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Global Offering specifically allows us to advocate for the most vulnerable and least-reached people groups and places around the world through specific partners and projects. Join us this week as we pray for the project Brook Hills was able to come alongside in the country of Pakistan. To read the story of Anjli and the girls’ home Brook Hills has supported this year, visit and pray.
Day 1: Praise God that through the Global Offering we are able to support a home for orphaned girls in Pakistan. Pray that God would continue to provide for the needs of each girl who lives at the home.
Day 2: Through our partnership with Lifeline Unadopted, these young girls are able to have a safe home where they can receive an education and skills for their life outside of the home. Pray for God to help each girl to have the fortitude to be a good student and grow in her skills.
Day 3: Life for a girl in Pakistan is not easy. Pray for God to provide for the needs of each girl living at the girls’ home. Pray for each girl to see her worth in Christ and to grow in the knowledge and understanding of who Jesus is.
Day 4: The girls’ home is in a least-reached area where gospel access is limited. Pray for God to use the girls’ home to make His name known among the least reached in this area.
Day 5: Pray for the leaders and care-takers at the girls’ home. Pray for God to give them wisdom as they serve to create an environment that allows each girl to flourish. Pray for each leader as they pour their lives out for the sake of the children in their care.
Day 6: Pray for the gospel to spread in Pakistan and for God to save many. Pray for churches to grow and flourish as people come to faith in Christ.
Sunday Setlist