This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His comforting presence with us. Pray for strength to sustain us through these periods of social distancing. Ask God to grow our love and concern, not only for our friends and family, but for all those around us. Pray for wisdom for us all in making good decisions that will be for our good and the good of all those around us, as well as for God’s glory. Ask God to also grow our hope and trust in Him during uncertain circumstances.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Prison Fellowship, a Christian ministry founded by Chuck Colson after his conversion in prison, that aims to see all who are affected by crime and incarceration reconciled to God, their families, and their communities. They provide Biblical instruction and support in prisons throughout the US, care for families affected by crime, and advocate for equal justice for all and second chances for the formerly incarcerated. We are also praying for Brook Hills’ member, Jeremy Miller, who leads out in these efforts throughout our state as Alabama’s Prison Fellowship Director. Additionally, we’re praying this week for Sixth Avenue Baptist Church and Pastor John Lovelace Cantelow III.
Day 1: Pray for the physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being of those who are incarcerated in our state’s prison system. Pray for safety during these times of stress from lockdown and reduced security staff.
Day 2: Pray for the Prison Fellowship Academies inside of St. Clair Correctional, Bibb Correctional, Donaldson Correctional, and Birmingham Work Release. Pray for transformed lives and renewed minds for the 146 men and 20 women in these Academies that meet 2-3 times a week studying God’s Word.
Day 3: Pray for the eight in-prison Hope Events that will be hosted by Prison Fellowship later this year. Pray for the over 3,000 incarcerated men and women who will hopefully be able to attend these evangelistic services. Pray that their hearts would be open to the gospel. Pray for Jeremy Miller, Jamie Kimmet, and Seventh Day Slumber as they prepare to share the gospel with these men and women through the teaching of God’s Word, testimony, and song.
Day 4: Pray for Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Families across the State of Alabama. Pray that their lives would be impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that the 4,000 plus Angel Tree children of incarcerated parents across Alabama would not follow in the path of their parents but seek to live crime-free, God-honoring lives. Pray for all the Christian mentors that pour their lives into these children.
Day 5: Pray for Prison Fellowship’s Alabama Field Director, Jeremy Miller, as he provides leadership to all these programs and events in the state. Pray for wisdom, strength, and discernment as he interacts with the incarcerated, volunteers, and state officials on a daily basis.
Day 6: Pray for the five formerly incarcerated men that Jeremy personally mentors as they make the transition from prison to society.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termers Josh and Monika who are serving in North Africa. Josh and Monika live in a major city and are currently ‘sheltering in place’ to avoid exposure to COVID-19. The virus is spreading in their city and the healthcare infrastructure is less than adequate. They are doing well, but ask for our prayers as they navigate these days.
Day 1: Pray for God to provide everything Josh and Monika need while they are isolated at home. Pray for their minds to be set on Christ and for peace in these uncertain days.
Day 2: Josh and Monika are going about their normal routine at home during these next few weeks with their children. Pray for Josh and Monika as they care for their children and set new rhythms as a family during this season.
Day 3: Josh and Monika are trying to take advantage of new opportunities to minister to their neighbors who are scared by leaving scriptures at the doorways to their homes. Pray for God to use this as a way to open the hearts of their neighbors to the hope found in Christ.
Day 4: The vast majority of the 10 million people living in Josh and Monika’s city do not know Christ. Pray that many will hear the gospel during this time and that their hearts would be drawn to Christ.
Day 5: Pray for Josh and Monika as they encourage the church and the group of national believers they partner with. Pray they will take every opportunity to share the gospel and not let fear of the unknown paralyze them. Pray for the church in their city to be a light that many are drawn to.
Day 6: Pray for Josh and Monika’s family to reflect Christ and all He means to them.
Sunday Setlist