This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the many ways He has blessed us and honored our continued ministry efforts as a church through this unique season. Pray for God to provide even more opportunities for us to love our neighbors, care well for one another, and boldly share His gospel as our society enters into phases of transition. Ask God to help us see what is most important in our life as a church and to gently guide us in letting go anything He desires so that our effectiveness in mission might be maximized.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Shelby Baptist Association (SBA), an association of churches serving Christ together to enable and assist member churches to accomplish their mission, promote and help churches coordinate mission and ministry opportunities, and partner together to accomplish the Great Commission locally and globally. We are also praying for Liberty Baptist Church in Chelsea and Pastor Tim Cox.
Day 1: Pray for the Lord to guide the Shelby Baptist Association in seeing and meeting needs during the COVID-19 crisis, such as food and other essential resources.
Day 2: Pray for SBA churches to be bold witnesses of truth during this season, using whatever means available to proclaim the gospel.
Day 3: Pray for SBA churches to work collectively with one another and with other like-minded churches of other denominations for the sake of the gospel in Shelby County.
Day 4: Pray for the SBA to identify the best means for providing support services to churches during this time in order to help equip the saints for the work of ministry.
Day 5: Pray for the SBA churches and leaders to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Day 6: Pray for the members of SBA churches to use their time wisely, seek the Lord more fervently through prayer and Bible study, and fulfill their calling by being effective ministers for the Kingdom of God during the pandemic.
Pray for the World
This Sunday we had planned to introduce you to 12 members of our church who were going to serve as mid-termers in various places around the world this summer. Unfortunately, those mid-termers will not be able to serve in those locations this summer due to coronavirus. While we are grieved by this, we trust God and rejoice that Brook Hills has many mid-termers who are currently serving around the world and remain among the least reached for this particular season. So this week we want to spend time praying for our mid-termers who remain. We also want to pray for God to move among our faith family and stir the hearts of many who might commit to serve one month–two years as a mid-termer in the future. If God is stirring in you to consider going mid-term, simply engage the Global Team or go to to discover your first step in the process.
Day 1: All of our mid-termers who remain on the field right now are trying to see and engage their friends who do not know Christ during the coming month in socially distant ways. Pray for God to give wisdom and opportunity to share the gospel.
Day 2: This week marked the beginning of Ramadan for Muslims around the world. Pray for our mid-termers living in predominantly Muslim countries. Pray for God to stir in the hearts of Muslim men and women around them to see their need for Christ. Pray for our mid-termers to be bold and clear as they speak of Christ and the hope they have in Him.
Day 3: Pray for the mid-termers who are connected to local fellowships in their city. Pray for them, as they connect with other believers using technology this week, to be bold and speak the Word in truth and for it to strengthen the local churches in their city.
Day 4: Pray for the mid-termers who own or are working in small businesses around the world. Many of them are struggling as the economies in their cities are on pause. Pray for God to give these men and women peace and clarity of minds as they lead and navigate these uncertain days. Pray for God to provide in every way and preserve these business platforms and use them to advance His kingdom all over the world.
Day 5: Pray for Brook Hills, and for God to use this time to remind us that there are 3 Billion+ people in the world who do not have access to the gospel. Pray for God to move in our faith family, to loosen our grip on the world and join Him in the mission of the church around the world.
Day 6: Pray for God to move in a way where He and He alone can receive all the glory. Pray for many to come to faith during this season as people search for hope and answers. Pray for the Global Church to display Christ and to boldly proclaim the hope we have in Him. Pray for God to allow people to hear the good news. Pray for God to bless our mid-termers as they participate in these efforts in Central Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North Africa.
Sunday Setlist