This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the living water He so freely gives to all who trust Him. Ask Him to help us be aware of and to reach out to the marginalized around us, extending to them the love and grace of Christ. Pray as we all strive to boldly proclaim the gospel for God to use our witness to bring others to faith in Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are interceding on behalf of human trafficking victims in the Greater Birmingham area, especially those who are minors. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the recruitment, transfer, or receipt of an individual by means of force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. Human trafficking includes sexual exploitation of minors. Research over the past few years has shown that this is a $110 million industry annually in the Birmingham area. We are also praying for Church of the Highlands and Pastor Chris Hodges this week.
Day 1: Pray for God to protect, rescue, and restore human trafficking victims in our own city, especially those who have been unable to escape their circumstances. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to comfort the afflicted and be a very present help for them in times of trouble.
Day 2: Pray for God to bring awareness to the Body of Christ concerning human trafficking, awakening the community, nation, and world to the personal and societal destruction caused by this exploitation.
Day 3: Pray for the church to be compelled by the Biblical mandate in Scripture to seek justice for the oppressed. Ask God to speak through His Body in word and deed. Also, pray for local government authorities as they seek to combat slavery in all its forms.
Day 4: Sex trafficking and pornography are closely linked. Pray for sexual purity within the church. Pray for individuals struggling with sexual sin and for ministries, like Awaken, that are helping adults find freedom in Christ.
Day 5: Ask Jesus for an awakening among all offenders of human trafficking. Pray they would repent of their sin, turn to Jesus, and become forces for freedom.
Day 6: Pray for our partners, The WellHouse, Trafficking Hope, Blanket Fort Hope, and other organizations in Birmingham that God has called to serve victims of human trafficking. Pray also for the Human Trafficking Awareness Night at Brook Hills on January 29th.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Casey H. who is serving as a Marketplace Professional in the Middle East. Casey H. was sent by Brook Hills to live and work as a physician in a strategic city in the Middle East where many least-reached people groups are living and working. Casey will work, join a local church there, and help strengthen the work of ministry to engage least-reached people groups and share the gospel. Join us as we pray for Casey H. and the work God is doing in the Middle East.
Day 1: Casey just arrived in the Middle East this last week and is getting moved into his new home. Pray for his transition as he gets familiar with his new city. Pray for God to provide for Casey’s needs, for the grace to navigate things that are unfamiliar, and to make Casey steadfast as he perseveres in these first few months of a new culture and city.
Day 2: Pray for God to provide a strong community for Casey. Pray for new friends to reach out and invest in Casey’s life. Pray for Casey as he invests and joins the local church in his city. Pray for God to use Casey to strengthen the believers there and make disciples in his city.
Day 3: Casey will start his new job in a few weeks. Pray for Casey as he settles into a normal routine of work and ministry. Pray for the grace needed as he adjusts to a new work culture and practices medicine in a new environment.
Day 4: Pray for God to establish a strong bond between Casey and his other teammates. Pray for unity and for joy as they strive together in the ministry God has given.
Day 5: Pray for God to give Casey many opportunities to share and show the gospel to his patients, his co-workers, and those he will do life with.
Day 6: Pray for God to be glorified in the Middle East where Casey is living and working. Pray for the church to flourish and for many to come to faith in Christ as a result of Casey’s obedience and boldness to proclaim the gospel.