This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the new life He has granted us in Christ. Pray for us all to strive toward obedience, leaving sin behind. Ask Him to help us all flee from and resist the temptation to sin. Pray for God to lead us all to live for Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Serving You Ministries, a Christ-centered non-profit organization in East Lake serving as a ministry arm to local churches and corporations by partnering with them to reach a lost and hurting world through crisis relief and benevolence ministry. We’re also praying for North Park Baptist Church and Pastor Bill Wilks.
Day 1: Pray for the staff and volunteers at Serving You Ministries to become increasingly Christ-like in showing grace, love, and compassion to those in need.
Day 2: Pray that those serving in each area of ministry would be empowered to boldly share the gospel within the East Lake community.
Day 3: Pray for those seeking support and financial assistance through Serving You Ministries. Pray that that their physical and spiritual needs would be met, and that a sustainable plan would be put in place for the future.
Day 4: Pray for the single moms seeking assistance to be able to thrive as the chains of economic, relational, and spiritual poverty are broken through the gospel.
Day 5: Pray for the ministry to be a light in Birmingham and for the surrounding community to see God’s love and provision through them.
Day 6: Pray for protection over the building, staff, volunteers, visitors, and community.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Hui people. There are around 15 million Hui in China and are the largest and most widespread of China’s Muslim nationalities. They also comprise the third largest ethnically Chinese Muslim people group in China. There are only a few believers and access to Hui communities can be challenging. To be Hui is to be Muslim – it is the core of who they are. Even if they don’t fully understand it, or even follow it the same as some other countries do, it has been hidden deep inside of them from the time they were very young. Mandarin Chinese is the heart language of the Hui in both spoken and written. But their spiritual language is a mixture of Arabic and Persian. Close to 99% of the Hui population is Muslim. It is estimated that .006% are Evangelical Christians. Join us as we pray for the Hui. For more information visit
Day 1: Although there are 15 million Hui scattered throughout China, very few (including the Chinese church) are intentionally planting their lives among the Hui to tell them about Christ. Pray for God to send more laborers to boldly proclaim the gospel.
Day 2: Most Hui are hostile towards the gospel and reject it at all costs. Pray for God to stir within the hearts of Hui men and women a desire to know more about Christ. Pray for God to open their eyes to see their need for a Savior.
Day 3: The church has grown exponentially among the majority Han people and they have visions of taking the gospel to other nations. Pray for God to give Han church leaders a vision to reach their Hui neighbors.
Day 4: Pray for many Hui to hear the gospel, repent and believe in Christ and for God to use Han believers as agents for accomplishing this mission.
Day 5: Many Hui believers experience isolation and loneliness. Ask God to help Hui believers find one another so they might grow together and encourage each other. Pray for the Hui believers to boldly share, even though it will cost them greatly.
Day 6: Pray for God to be glorified among the Hui.
Sunday Setlist