This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God the Father for adopting us into His family and for sending His Spirit to lead us and help us. Pray for the strength and help we need to fight against sin and to persevere through suffering. Pray for us all to live confident in the future God has for us and is leading us toward.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries. ABCH strives to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services such as Family Care Homes for homeless mothers and their children, emergency shelter care for children, foster care training, professional counseling for families and children, camps and events for foster care families, and seminars on child and family issues. We’re also praying this week for North Shelby Baptist Church and Pastor Mike Meadows.
Day 1: Pray the Lord will grace ABCH with protection over the children and families in their care. Pray for wisdom for the leadership team as they seek His plan to minister to these children and families.
Day 2: Pray for the children in ABCH’s care and for their family situations. Pray that God would bring hope and healing to every home represented. If they don’t know Him already, pray for the birth parents to come to know Christ personally and to experience true life change.
Day 3: Pray for an end to opioid addiction in Alabama. Pray for the healthy development of children born with opioid addictions due to parental drug use.
Day 4: Pray for Pathways Professional Counseling therapists. Pray that they would be vessels of the Holy Spirit and show God’s grace, wisdom, and love to their clients.
Day 5: Pray for the foster families in the ABCH network. Pray for discernment to identify spiritual warfare and pray for them to work as a community to bear one another’s burdens.
Day 6: Pray for the children in ABCH’s care as they hear and see the gospel. Pray for the seeds being planted to find fertile soil, and that many would trust in Jesus and find hope and rest in Him.
Pray for the World
This week begins the month-long celebration of Ramadan for 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. For this month, Muslims all over the world will abstain from food, drink, and other pleasures during the day in order to try and remove their sin and draw closer to God. The Church at Brook Hills has strategically sent out workers and church planting teams to many Muslim people groups around the world for gospel engagement. Join us this week as we intercede on behalf of Muslim men and women around the world.
Day 1: Pray for God to soften the hearts of Muslim men and women to the gospel and for Christ to be revealed, leading them in the way of truth (John 14:6).
Day 2: Pray that God would reveal Himself to many Muslims during Ramadan through dreams and visions.
Day 3: Pray for all of our Brook Hills members working with Muslim people to have boldness, courage, and passion as they proclaim the good news of Christ to their Muslim friends this month.
Day 4: Pray for more movements of Muslims coming to Christ and of churches being planted.
Day 5: Pray for God to open creative opportunities for Brook Hills members to engage their Muslim neighbors in Birmingham during Ramadan. Pray for God to provide opportunities for gospel conversations, especially during the pandemic.
Day 6: Ramadan allows for a heightened spiritual awareness for Muslims. Pray for God to save those who are seeking Him. Pray for the message of salvation by grace and through faith in Christ alone to be proclaimed to Muslim men and women. Pray for God to receive praise that is due His name among all peoples.
Sunday Setlist

Small Group Basics