This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for lovingly calling us to faith in Him. Thank Him for The salvation He has worked in each of our lives. Ask Him to how is in mercy, peace, and love. Pray for God to grant us courage to stand and contend for our faith.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Shelby County East Camp of The Gideons International, an association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus by sharing personal testimony and distributing Bibles and New Testaments in hotels, schools, and other strategic locations. We’re also praying for Lakeside Baptist Church and Pastor Greg Corbin.
Day 1: Pray for Gideons International during the pandemic. Gideons is represented in over 200 countries worldwide, including international schools, hospitals, military bases, police departments, and in hotels. Due to the pandemic, Gideons International’s operations have come to a halt for the remainder of the year, but local ministry continues.
Day 2: Pray for Gideons’ local leaders as they begin reporting and speaking in local church services. Pray those reports would be encouraging to the members and would encourage them to join in the important work Gideons is doing.
Day 3: Pray for the Gideons’ local, weekly prayer meetings. These meetings are a time of encouragement as well as a time to pray for local churches, pastors, and the Gideon community. Currently, these meetings are being held over Zoom. Pray the weekly prayer meetings could resume in person very soon.
Day 4: Pray for new members and volunteers. Gideons is always in need of more hands and feet for the work Christ has called them to do. Pray people would be drawn to serve with Gideons both locally and internationally. Pray Gideons would continue to provide a way for people to get involved with sharing hope through the gospel.
Day 5: Pray for opened doors at local schools. Currently Shelby County School System will not allow Gideons to distribute Bibles in the schools. Pray the leaders making these decisions will have their hearts softened and that Gideons will be able to share Bibles with students across Shelby County soon.
Day 6: Pray for Gideons’ Life Book distributions. They provide thousands of copies of Life Books for both High School and Middle School students each year, asking students to be the ones to distribute them to other students. This allows students to make a one-on-one connection and begin discipling their peers. Pray students would rise up to the call to pass out Life Books and to the call to disciple their friends. Pray for students to recognize the lost around them and have the strength to reach out to them. Pray the students receiving the Life Books would already have their hearts softened and be ready to hear the Word of God.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termers Josh and Monika who are serving in North Africa. Josh and Monika were sent out three years ago to live in a large city where they are strengthening believers and engaging least reached people with the gospel. Join us this week as we pray for Josh and Monika.
Day 1: Pray for God to provide everything Josh and Monika need. Pray for their minds to be set on Christ and for peace in uncertain days.
Day 2: Josh was able to share the gospel with a friend before Covid shut their city down a few months ago. This friend told Josh, “this is good news, brother”. Josh has the opportunity to go visit his friend in a few weeks. Pray for God to open the eyes of Josh’s friend and to save him.
Day 3: Josh and Monika are assessing future opportunities to engage in ministry. Pray for God to provide clarity as they have conversations and seek opportunities that are among the least reached.
Day 4: The vast majority of the 10 million people living in Josh and Monika’s city do not know Christ. Pray that many will hear the gospel and that their hearts would be drawn to Christ.
Day 5: Pray for Josh and Monika as they encourage the church and the group of national believers they partner with. Pray they will take every opportunity to share the gospel. Pray for the church in their city to be a light that many are drawn to.
Day 6: Pray for Josh and Monika’s family to reflect Christ and all He means to them. Pray for God to make them wise of heart and persuasive in the gospel so many might know Christ.