This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, on that first Christmas so long ago. Pray for opportunities to share the message of Christmas with others we encounter over these holidays. Ask God to soften the hearts of those who will hear the gospel through so many times of celebration and to grant them ears to hear and faith to believe. Pray for God to use us all individually and corporately as a church to carry His gospel to many who have not yet heard, that we might celebrate Christmas next year with new brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Christ Health Center, a health clinic in Woodlawn that demonstrates the love and power of Jesus Christ by providing excellent, affordable healthcare for uninsured and low income families and participating in community development. Christ Health Center exists to see the sick made well and the well made whole through Jesus. We are also praying for Chelsea Village Baptist Church and their Pastor Search Team.
Day 1: Pray for the gospel to be clearly presented and received by every patient and person that comes in contact with this work.
Day 2: Pray for God to supernaturally heal the patients in a way that surpasses the capabilities of medicine.
Day 3: Pray for the communities the patients call home – that they would know safety, peace, righteousness, and joy.
Day 4: Pray for patients who are really struggling, that they would have enough to eat, a warm place to sleep, and enough to share.
Day 5: Pray for the new behavioral health facility and for victory over the spiritual attack that has been evident since its opening.
Day 6: Pray for the staff and volunteers, for God to protect their unity and add the right people at the right time to keep the heart of the work pure. Pray for the team to enjoy the labor God has called them to and not grow weary in doing good.
Pray for the World
As we continue to celebrate what God has done through the Global Offering this year we want to take time to pray for our world and for all mankind. For our neighbors, family and friends. For our brothers and sisters being persecuted. For the global Church. For the poor. For ourselves. For Brook Hills. And mostly, for those who have never heard the gospel and who are least-reached in the world. Join us as we pray and ask God to make us a church that desires to see His glory made known and to be a people who are faithful to declare salvation that He brings to all mankind through Christ.
Day 1: There are an estimated 700 million people living in extreme poverty. Pray for God to defend the poor and needy with His justice. Pray for God to open our ears to the cry of the poor and help us to see the poor around us. Pray for God to help us care for the poor, as He cares for the poor.
Day 2: Approximately 245 million of our brothers and sisters in over 50 countries face regular persecution for following Christ. Pray for God to give persecuted brothers and sisters grace and boldness to proclaim the gospel. Pray for God to be with them, strengthen them, and deliver them so His Word will go forth.
Day 3: Pray for the over 4 billion people who are least reached with the gospel. Pray for God to help us be obedient to His commission. Pray for God to cause His name, His grace, His love, and His salvation in Jesus to spread and multiply and fill the whole earth so men and women from every people group on the planet might know and enjoy His blessing.
Day 4: There are over 600 million self-identified Evangelical Christians around the world, the majority of those living in the
global South. Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world and for God to strengthen them and multiply His church
throughout the world.
Day 5: Pray for yourself and ask God to use you for His glory right where you live, wherever He leads you, and however He desires. Pray for God to use your life as an offering to be used as instruments for His fame in ways far beyond what we can ask or imagine.
Day 6: Praise God that He alone is worthy of praise and honor and glory from every nation, tribe, tongue, and people in the world. Pray for the spread of God’s glory among all the peoples of the world.
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