This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the true freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Thank God for all those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we experience here in our country and for the picture it is of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus on the Cross. Pray for God’s comfort for all those who are hurting, but especially for those who are missing loved ones this weekend. Ask God to help us all use our liberty not for our own benefit but for the sake of others coming to know the gospel.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Community Care Development Network (CCDN), a partner Christian ministry located in East Lake. CCDN is comprised of local leaders helping to develop and maintain community programs that specialize in serving local families through family and life services, mentoring, food and clothing support, educational services, and community outreach. We’re also praying for Shades Mountain Baptist Church and Pastor Danny Wood.
Day 1: Pray for CCDN as they work with teens to address challenges such as peer pressure, peer conflict, life skills and communication skills; and as they work with adults to address life skills, parenting skills, education needs and employment barriers. Pray all participants come to know Christ.
Day 2: Pray for the financial provision for CCDN to sustain everyday operations and to provide food and emergency resources to families in need. Pray also for resources, property, and financial support for their trade school.
Day 3: Pray for those serving with CCDN as tutors, prayer warriors, life services volunteers, and administrative volunteers as they use their gifts and skills to minister to families in need in our community.
Day 4: Pray for new partnerships that can provide additional avenues in workforce and job creation, educational resources, and re-entry resources.
Day 5: Pray for the families and individuals served by CCDN, that deep fellowship with Christ would transform their hearts and lives, and that their spiritual and physical needs would be met during this challenging time.
Day 6: Pray for CCDN leadership team, staff, and volunteers as they make difficult decisions and adjustments to keep everyone safe during COVID-19. Pray they will continue to be Spirit-led in their pursuit of serving Christ and our city.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Hunter and Megan serving long-term in the Middle East. Hunter and Megan like many of us are in their home navigating similar situations and struggles. Their country has been on lockdown for about eight weeks now and just extended it for another month. Join us as we pray for Hunter and Megan.
Day 1: Hunter and Megan are thankful that they are able to continue their language study online during this time. Praise God for the extra time to dedicate to language study for His glory. Pray for God to bring about much fruit and advancement in their language acquisition.
Day 2: Praise God for the gift of good health during this season. Pray for God to sustain their health and protect them from the virus.
Day 3: Pray for those affected by Covid-19 in their city. Those who are working on the frontlines of the pandemic, people who have lost their jobs, the elderly who are separated from their families, and those who are struggling to put food on their table. Ask God to make Himself known through this to the majority who do not know Him, and for them to find eternal hope and peace in Christ.
Day 4: Pray for Hunter and Megan’s marriage. Pray God would continue to give them great grace to love and serve one another well.
Day 5: Megan is currently walking with a young lady who is wanting to study the Bible. This young lady is pressing in to want to know more about Christ and is wrestling with the cost of following Him. Please pray for God to show her He is worthy, and Jesus is the one and only true way.
Day 6: Pray for God to be at work in the hearts of the people Hunter and Megan are engaging. Pray for God to open their eyes to the truth and convict them of sin and help them see Christ.
Sunday Setlist