Parent Commissioning is a time for the church and new parents to commemorate the birth or adoption of a child in a Worship Gathering. We are commissioning parents because we believe they are the primary faith influencers in their child’s life. Brook Hills also believes parents are not in this alone. We, as a church, want to partner with parents to equip and provide you with resources and support as you lead your family. It is also the desire of our entire faith family to pray for and shepherd families and their children.

Registration Information



  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7700
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Parent Commissioning is a time for the church and new parents to commemorate the birth or adoption of a child in a Worship Gathering. We are commissioning parents because we believe they are the primary faith influencers in their child’s life. Brook Hills also believes parents are not in this alone. We, as a church, want to partner with parents to equip and provide you with resources and support as you lead your family. It is also the desire of our entire faith family to pray for and shepherd families and their children.

Registration Information



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