Small Group Basics is a one-session class that covers small group strategy and philosophy at Brook Hills. This two-hour class is designed for those heading into Small Group leadership, but anyone is welcome if interested in the possibility of leading a group.


Small Group Basics is one of four requirements for leading a Small Group, along with church membership, a leadership application, and an interview. For more information about leading a group, visit


For co-ed groups, we consider both husband and wife to be Small Group Leaders. Therefore, we ask both to complete the leadership process, including attending Small Group Basics.

Coming Dates & Details

  • Sunday, Apr 6, 10:20am-12:00pm Room B201
  • Wednesday, Apr 30, 6:20-8:00pm Room B201
  • Wednesday, June 4, 6:20-8:00pm Room B201
  • Sunday, June 29, 10:20am-12:00pm Room B201

If activities for children are not offered, we can reimburse you up to $25 for the cost of childcare that you provide.



  • Start Date


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Small Group Basics is a one-session class that covers small group strategy and philosophy at Brook Hills. This two-hour class is designed for those heading into Small Group leadership, but anyone is welcome if interested in the possibility of leading a group.


Small Group Basics is one of four requirements for leading a Small Group, along with church membership, a leadership application, and an interview. For more information about leading a group, visit


For co-ed groups, we consider both husband and wife to be Small Group Leaders. Therefore, we ask both to complete the leadership process, including attending Small Group Basics.

Coming Dates & Details

  • Sunday, Apr 6, 10:20am-12:00pm Room B201
  • Wednesday, Apr 30, 6:20-8:00pm Room B201
  • Wednesday, June 4, 6:20-8:00pm Room B201
  • Sunday, June 29, 10:20am-12:00pm Room B201

If activities for children are not offered, we can reimburse you up to $25 for the cost of childcare that you provide.



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