This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His covenantal faithfulness toward us and for correcting us when we have wandered into disobedience. Pray for Him to guard us from idolatry and to give us strength to resist the temptation to elevate other things to His rightful place in our lives. Pray for marriages in our church to be strengthened and to serve as loving examples of the devoted relationship between God and His Church.
Pray for the City
In support of the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a national day of observance by the pro-life community on the third Sunday of January, we are praying for the lives of the unborn, for parents, and for all people to recognize the intrinsic value of all human life, from the moment of conception to natural death. We’re also praying this week for Briarwood Presbyterian Church and Pastor Harry Reeder.
Day 1: Pray for pregnant women in our city and across the nation to comprehend the immeasurable value of the child they are carrying. Pray for God to give them strength, understanding, courage, and the relational support to choose life.
Day 2: Pray for the Church to stand in the gap for the unborn, the most defenseless of God’s children. Pray that we as a church would faithfully make disciples among the parents of the unborn and support them as they choose life.
Day 3: Pray for elected officials and medical professionals to experience a conversion of mind and heart about supporting abortion on demand, and for court decisions that permit the destruction of the unborn to be permanently reversed.
Day 4: Pray for women and men who are mourning the loss of a child to abortion. Pray for them to recognize God's mercy and forgiveness for sin and to apply the truths of the gospel to themselves to experience God's mercy and peace.
Day 5: Pray for Vestavia Sav-A-Life Ministries, Shelby County Sav-A-Life Ministries, Lifeline Children’s Services, Alabama Baptist Children's Homes, Her Choice, Positive Choices, Life on Wheels, and other ministries in our city that offer resources, education, support, and counseling to couples facing crisis pregnancies. Pray that the gospel would go out through them and that many unbelieving men and women would turn to the Lord.
Day 6: Pray for Christians in Birmingham to truly grasp what it means to be “pro-life,” actively defending the biblical truth that all human life is made in the image of God and holds significant value from the womb to the tomb, and supporting vulnerable children and families.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the staff and volunteers from Brook Hills who will be traveling internationally to help with two meetings for groups from two established global works where Brook Hills is heavily invested. One is a city-focused team and one is a people-group-focused team.
Day 1: Praise God for the growing number of workers on both of these teams! As we’ve invested deeply in partnerships in the Middle East, Brook Hills has played a pivotal role in being able to bring people together to work among hard-to-reach people in the Middle East.
Day 2: Pray for the refreshment of weary laborers during these meetings. Pray for good fellowship. Pray for the healing of marriages and some respite from the daily stressors of living and working overseas.
Day 3: Pray for the children who will attend. Meetings like these give children an opportunity to be around other third-culture kids who are living in other places but experiencing similar things. Pray for their hearts to be drawn to Jesus and for lives to be changed! Pray for the volunteers going to work with the children.
Day 4: Pray for God to have mercy on the people that these laborers are engaging.
Day 5: We will be hosting two meetings over the next week and engaging other missionaries and partners. Pray for God to use these times to spur along more faithful gospel work and that He would show mercy to the city team that will gather and the people group-focused team that will gather.
Day 6: Pray against the evil one and against any sicknesses or other distractions that would prevent the meetings from happening. Pray for the volunteers and staff that will be hosting these meetings. Pray that God would be glorified above all!
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