This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Thank God for our Student Ministry, for all of our students who gathered for Collide this weekend to worship and grow together, and for all of the leaders and volunteers who served them so well. Pray for God to continue to grow our students into godly men and women who love Him with their whole beings and make disciples here and around the world. Ask God to help us all see the role we have to play in raising up emerging generations in the knowledge and love of God. Pray for our students to recognize their own Spirit-empowered gifts and to begin using them to build up our faith family here at Brook Hills.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for students of all ages at Brook Hills who have been returning to school over the past few weeks. We also want to pray for their parents, teachers, administrators, mentors, and spiritual leaders as they work to equip their students to reach their full potential and enjoy God’s good design for their lives. We want to especially praise God for the many students and volunteers that participated in Collide this weekend! We’re also praying this week for Valleydale Church and Pastor Mac Brunson.
Day 1: Pray for our middle and high school students that participated in Collide this past weekend. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to stir their hearts and guide their minds as they move back into classes this new year.
Day 2: Pray for all Brook Hills students to continue to know, grow, and trust in Christ this year. Pray for them to grow in knowledge, maturity, and ability as they prepare themselves to achieve God’s purposes for their lives.
Day 3: Pray for our students to take advantage of opportunities to influence friends, classmates, and school staff to know and grow in Christ. Pray for them to be bold in displaying and declaring the gospel to others.
Day 4: Pray for all their teachers and administrators to have wisdom, skill, sensitivity, patience, and endurance as they help students learn and grow. Pray for them to display the love of Christ as they teach and lead in our schools and homeschools.
Day 5: Pray for the right amount of rest for students and staff. Pray for students and staff to grow in self-discipline.
Day 6: Pray for parents as they guide, encourage, and support their students this year. Pray for them to guide their students toward strong faith in Christ.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for some of our Long-Termers, Chris and Leah M., as well as for the city where they serve. Chris and Leah and their three children work in Dubai, where Chris is a pastor at Redeemer Church.
Day 1: Pray for churches across the Dubai metro area to pray for one another and to collaborate together to see the gospel spread across the city.
Day 2: Pray for training cohorts to be started this year to equip men to plant churches across the city. Pray for five gospel-preaching churches to be planted in Dubai in 2023.
Day 3: Pray for Christ-followers to boldly proclaim the gospel in workplaces and neighborhoods across the Dubai metro area.
Day 4: Pray for Christ-followers in Dubai to courageously follow Christ and remain steadfast and faithful in the midst of persecution.
Day 5: Pray for the gospel to go out from Dubai to the world. May missionaries and church planters be sent out to the hard-to-reach places around the world, to the glory of God!
Day 6: Pray for Chris and Leah and for their marriage to continue to be a light to those around them. Pray for their children to grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man.
Sunday Setlist

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