This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for graciously ordaining us to hear the gospel and for calling us to respond in faith and repentance. Thank Him for the worldwide Church, His family He has put and is putting together from all peoples everywhere. Ask Him to make us bold and joyfully confident in the message He gives us to share with all around us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association (, a cooperative effort of local Southern Baptist churches working together to create gospel advancement opportunities that reach beyond the efforts of an individual congregation. The mission of BMBA is to build the kingdom of God across Metro Birmingham and beyond. We are especially praying for Chris Crain, the Executive Director. We are also praying for Victory City Church in Tarrant and Pastor Brandon Knight.
Day 1: Please pray for the 180 BMBA pastors and their families across the Birmingham Metro Area. Ask God to help the pastors faithfully proclaim the gospel as they face a changing culture. Pray for them to model Christ-like love and service through their own families.
Day 2: Please pray for the BMBA Partner Center. Pray for the many partners utilizing that space, including Brook Hills partners: WorkFaith Birmingham, Discovery Clubs, Awaken Recovery, and the new Sav-A-Life Crisis Pregnancy Center.
Day 3: Pray specifically for the 1400 children being discipled in public schools across Birmingham through the BMBA’s Discovery Club Ministry. Pray for the children to come to know Jesus and for God to draw their families near to Him as well. Pray for the faithful volunteers serving each week and for the Lord to call more volunteers to join Discovery Clubs.
Day 4: Pray for the BMBA churches currently involved in the revitalization process. Pray for their congregations to be renewed and for them to be used to reach their communities with the gospel. Pray for other churches to come alongside them to partner in reaching the lost.
Day 5: Pray for the many BMBA churches that are currently without a pastor. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw a pastor to serve these churches well.
Day 6: Pray for the nine distribution points throughout the city that help relieve food insecurities for families in need. Pray for the churches that are humbly using food ministries to serve and love their communities.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our College Trip heading to North Africa. The focus of this trip will be cultural outings with locals through an English language school.
Day 1: Pray for the team as they travel and arrive in North Africa. Pray for smooth logistics and for a safe arrival. Pray they will integrate well with the local team on the ground. Pray they will sleep well and adjust to jet lag quickly.
Day 2: Pray for our BH College students as they go out into the city in North Africa. Pray for them to be sensitive to the Spirit's leading in conversations. Ask God to open doors for the gospel to be proclaimed and displayed boldly.
Day 3: Pray for the team as they help with a cultural exchange party. Pray for students to make good connections throughout the week and during this party. Pray for the Lord to open doors for gospel conversations and for our college students to share lovingly and boldy.
Day 4: Pray for the college students on this trip to be impacted by their time in North Africa. Pray fortheir worldview to be broadened and for their hearts to be softened to the work God is doing around the world.
Day 5: Pray boldly for the community surrounding the English Learning Center, for them to continue to be a blessing to the community around them. Ask the Lord to bring both unbelieving staff members and students to salvation through the English Learning Center. Pray for our college students as they engage with language students and for them to be a blessing to the center.
Day 6: Pray for the local missionary team and for the local international church that has just covenanted together. Pray for wisdom and unity as they pray for elders to be established and for the search for a pastor. Pray for God to use this new church as a catalyst of spiritual growth and gospel expansion.
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