This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for drawing near to us even when we find ourselves guilty and ashamed. Ask God to bring our sin out of the darkness and into the light and to convict us of that sin as He leads us toward repentance. Pray for Him to help us all take responsibility for the wrong we do and to seek and find forgiveness and redemption in Him through the conquering work of Christ on the cross.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Prison Fellowship, a Christian ministry founded by Chuck Colson after his conversion in prison that aims to see all who are affected by crime and incarceration reconciled to God, to their families, and to their communities. Prison Fellowship provides biblical instruction and support in prisons throughout the U.S., cares for families affected by crime, and advocates for equal justice for all and second chances for the formerly incarcerated. We are also praying for Brook Hills member, Jeremy Miller, who leads out in these efforts throughout our state as the Prison Fellowship Field Director of Alabama. We’re also praying this week for Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Nathaniel Brooks.
Day 1: April is Second Chances Month! Join us in praying for second chances for formerly incarcerated men and women across our state. Pray for all those who are being released from prison to have the opportunity to find employment and become productive citizens in our community. Pray for Christians to surround them and support them. Pray for everyone that has been affected by crime and incarceration to find healing, redemption, and restoration through a relationship with Jesus.
Day 2: Pray for the Jefferson County Second Chances Hiring Fair happening on Tuesday of this week. Give thanks for the employers that are giving second chances to formerly incarcerated individuals. Pray for those individuals to find purpose and hope as they rejoin the workforce.
Day 3: Pray for the Prison Fellowship Academies inside correctional facilities across our state. Pray for transformed lives and renewed minds for the 130 men and 45 women in these academies that meet 2-3 times a week to study God’s Word. Pray for wisdom and strength for the volunteers that take time out of their busy schedules each week to lead these classes.
Day 4: Pray for the Prison Fellowships Hope Events coming up in the next couple of months. Many incarcerated men and women will attend these evangelistic services. Pray for their hearts would to be open to the gospel. Pray for those that will share the gospel with these men and women through the teaching of God’s Word, testimony, and song.
Day 5: Pray for Prison Fellowship’s Alabama Field Director, Jeremy Miller, as he provides leadership to all these programs and events in the state. Pray for wisdom, strength, and discernment as he interacts with the incarcerated, volunteers, and state officials daily.
Day 6: Pray for the Fellowship Families that have been attending Brook Hills since the Christmas party this past December. Pray for our church to be a safe place for these families to share their stories and find community. Pray for Brook Hills to be a church that would wrap its arms around hurting people and share the hope found only in Christ.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Turks of Turkey. The Turks make up the majority people group in Turkey, and although they are ethnically diverse, they have a homogenous culture. The Turks are predominantly Sunni Muslims, believing in one god and eternal heaven and hell. However, they have many ethnic beliefs and superstitions. Among the over 65 million Turks, less than 2% are evangelical Christians. Join us this week as we pray for God to move among the Turks of Turkey.
Day 1: Praise God that the church among the Turks has grown and at last become a visible reality, though still a small percentage of the population. Pray for God to renew these believers to share the gospel with their friends and neighbors, even in the face of opposition. Pray for God to strengthen the church through His Word and those appointed as pastors.
Day 2: Pray for God to open the hearts of Turks to their need for salvation. Pray for Turks to see that salvation comes only through faith in Christ.
Day 3: Turks have a deep sense of national pride and even though Turkey is a secular state, its long association with Islam makes conversion to Christianity very difficult. Pray for radical change in public attitudes toward Christians. Pray for the one true God to be revealed in the Islamic-saturated society of Turkey.
Day 4: Pray for our partners who are actively engaging Turks with the gospel. Pray for God to make them bold in their proclamation of the gospel and for opportunities to develop strong, healthy relationships with those with whom they are engaging.
Day 5: Many believers among the Turks face significant persecution from their family members. Pray for God to provide for our brothers and sisters who face loneliness, isolation, and poverty.
Day 6: There is a critical need for the global church to engage in this area of the world. Earnestly pray for God to send more workers to live and work among the Turks.
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