This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for our worship staff and volunteers who lead us so faithfully week in and week out. Thank God for the musical talent with which He has blessed our church. Pray for the "New Every Morning" family worship album to be a blessing to all members of our faith family and to many other churches. Pray for God to receive the glory He alone is due from each of the songs on the album.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for our Love Oliver Ready Day One school registration party on Saturday, May 21, at Oliver Elementary School. Sponsored by Brook Hills, this event also involves Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank, Serving You Ministries, Oak Tree Ministries, Village Church, and SCA Performance Foundation. These Love Oliver partnerships provide an avenue for Brook Hills members and other community partners to join hands with Oliver families in addressing economic, academic, and social barriers as we pursue disciple-making and grow in Christlikeness while we love Oliver families together. We are also praying this week for Immanuel Church and Pastor Austin Baker.
Day 1: Pray for each family that enjoys the Ready Day One party and receives food, diapers, backpacks, and clothing necessities to be encouraged by the love of Christ through His body of believers joined together to love and serve them.
Day 2: Pray for the Ready Day One event to be a fruitful day of evangelism and for every participant to be touched in some way by the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray we will effectively connect believers to local churches to continue their discipleship and grow in their walk with the Lord.
Day 3: Pray for the students and families of Oliver Elementary School. Pray for the Lord to protect their families, bless their homes, and continue to draw Oliver families to Himself. Pray for their homes to become places of peace and for their families to act as a light for the gospel among their neighbors.
Day 4: Pray for the teachers and staff at Oliver Elementary School. Pray for the Lord to draw all of them to Himself and for the gospel to be seen through the believers’ words and deeds. Pray for the health, safety, skill, and strength of every staff member. Pray for the love for the children by the teachers and staff to be seen and felt by all who enter their building.
Day 5: Pray for the members of our faith family and others in the community who will be investing in disciple-making relationships with Oliver families through one of the many serving opportunities with our partners this fall and spring. Ask God to send more laborers into His harvest.
Day 6: Pray for all of our community partners that will be serving alongside Brook Hills at Ready Day One. Pray for the Lord to continue to greatly bless their ministries and churches, and for the beautiful story of the gospel to be made known far and wide because of their efforts.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termers, Ryan and Bethany B. They are serving in Central Asia with their children. They were sent out by Brook Hills to work among least-reached people groups in Central Asia. Currently, Ryan and Bethany are welcoming new teammates into their city and helping their team engage locals. Join us as we pray for Ryan and Bethany and their family.
Day 1: Praise God for leading Ryan and Bethany to Central Asia. Pray for God to use their family to make Himself known in the lives of men and women living in their city.
Day 2: Pray for wisdom for Ryan as he continues to lead his family and his team, but also for God’s grace as his responsibilities expand and that his capacity would also expand accordingly.
Day 3: Pray for Bethany as she continues to homeschool the kids while also engaging other women near her home. Pray for her role as wife, mom, and teacher as she lives out her faith every day for the people around her to see.
Day 4: Pray for their four kids: Josiah, Isaac, Eli, and Miriam. The kids have made some friends through their local church and are growing in confidence in using Arabic with local kids. Pray for healthy relationships in the church, as well as Ryan and Bethany’s ongoing family discipleship.
Day 5: Ryan recently finished his degree in linguistics. He will be looking for a job. Pray the Lord positions him in occupation to strategically further the gospel among their people group.
Day 6: Pray for Ryan and Bethany to be able to balance their responsibilities and their desire to form relationships with healthy rest.