This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His sovereignty over all things. Thank Him for His Word and the wisdom and guidance it provides us. Pray for Him to make us bold to proclaim His truth in a world increasingly hostile toward it. Pray for Him to receive the honor and glory He alone is due.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for our Love Oliver Ready Day One event on Saturday, May 22, at Oliver Elementary School. This year’s event, sponsored by Brook Hills, also involves New Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church, FBC Trussville, Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank, Serving You Ministries, SCA Performance Foundation, and iCare Alabama. These Love Oliver partnerships provide an avenue for Brook Hills members and other community partners to join hands with Oliver families in addressing economic, academic, and social barriers as we pursue disciple making and growing in Christlikeness while we love Oliver together. We’re also praying this week for First Baptist Church of Trussville and Pastor Buddy Champion.
Day 1: Pray that as each family enjoys the Ready Day One school registration party and receives food, diapers, backpacks, and clothing vouchers, they would be encouraged by the love of Christ through His body of believers joined together to love and serve them.
Day 2: Pray for Ready Day One to be a fruitful day of evangelism and that every participant would be touched in some way by the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray that we can effectively connect believers to local churches to continue their discipleship and grow in their walk with the Lord.
Day 3: Pray for the students and families of Oliver Elementary School. Pray for the Lord to protect their families, bless their homes, and continue to draw Oliver families to Himself. Pray that their homes would become places of peace and that their families would act as a light for the gospel among their neighbors.
Day 4: Pray for the teachers and staff at Oliver Elementary School. Pray for the Lord to draw all of them to Himself, and for the gospel to be seen through the believers’ words and deeds. Pray for health, safety, skill, and strength for every staff member. Pray for the love of the teachers and staff for the children to be seen and felt by all who enter the building.
Day 5: Pray for members of our faith family and others in the community who will be investing in disciple-making relationships with Oliver families through one of the many serving opportunities at Oliver and with our partners this fall and spring. Ask God to send more laborers into His harvest.
Day 6: Pray for all of our community partners that will be serving alongside Brook Hills at Ready Day One. Pray for the Lord to continue to greatly bless their ministries and churches, and that the beautiful story of the gospel will be made known far and wide because of their efforts.
Pray for the World
Join us this week as we pray for God to lead our world to repentance, to seek redemption in Jesus Christ, and to lead us in the path of righteousness.
Day 1: Pray Psalm 147:3. Praise God for being the only one who can heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds. Pray that He would heal the wounds of our sin and transgression in our world.
Day 2: Praise God for His Word and its transforming power. Pray for Him to give us a right view of His Word. Pray for God to show the power of His Word in our lives, in our families, in our church, in our city, and among the nations.
Day 3: The only way to true justice and peace is through Jesus Christ. Pray for God to awaken our world to Christ, who is the only one who can bring us from death to life and transform the hearts of man. Pray for God to put our flesh to death and to lead us to true peace.
Day 4: Confess that there is no one we can look to but God. Pray for God to lead us to repentance and revival. Pray for God to help us as we seek His face and turn from our sin. Pray for God to heal our land.
Day 5: Pray for God to lead us in the path of righteousness today. Pray for the gospel to go forward in our world, into all communities and among all nations.
Day 6: Praise God that the gospel reconciles us to God and to one another. Praise God for the grace that gives us peace with Him and peace with others. Pray for God to use the church to display unity that comes only through Christ Jesus.
Sunday Setlist

Small Group Basics