This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for being a stronghold for all who are abused and for being the ultimate source of healing. Pray for those currently experiencing abuse to recognize life can be different, to have the courage to get help, and to identify safe people who can come alongside them. Pray for survivors in our faith family to look to Christ as the source of hope for the present and future. Pray for survivors to have strength as they deal with the many ways their abuse has affected them. Pray for us as a faith family to be safe from abuse and to be safe for all those who have experienced abuse.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Living 180 Ministries, a ministry founded by Brook Hills members Paul and Suzi Talley. Living 180 Ministries works to bring healing, restoration, and healthy communication to Christian couples in crisis through couple-to-couple counseling, a community of encouragers, and workshops for wives, husbands, and couples. Living 180 was formerly known as Christian Marriages in Crisis. We’re also praying this week for Gardendale First Baptist Church and Pastor Kevin Hamm.
Day 1: Pray for Christian marriages in our local church, our city, and our world. Pray for husbands and wives to live according to God’s plan and purpose, and that together they would display the glorious relationship between Christ and His bride—the Church.
Day 2: Pray for Living 180’s Virtual Marriage Bootcamp to continue to be impactful and life changing for the couples that attend. Pray for this unique program to be fruitful and allow Living 180’s ministry to reach beyond the Birmingham area.
Day 3: Pray for the pastors and their wives that are struggling in their marriages. Pray that as Living 180 ministers to them and their families, their marriages would encourage others around them. Pray for continued and new opportunities to reach pastors and their wives.
Day 4: Pray for the fruition and completion of the new Living 180 promotional video. Pray for the final editing to go smoothly, and for the final product to reach far and wide. Pray for the Lord to use the video to help marriages in crisis find the hope that only Jesus can provide.
Day 5: Pray for financial security for Living 180 Ministries. Pray for the Lord to replace the funds lost by the cancellation of the annual golf fundraiser due to COVID-19. Pray for God’s people to continue to give bountifully to help protect and support marriages.
Day 6: Pray for Paul and Suzi Talley as they minister to couples in crisis. Pray for God to give them wisdom, and to protect and strengthen their own marriage. Pray for their home renovations due to mold to be completed swiftly as the mold is causing health problems. Pray for Paul and Suzi’s marriage to be a light to other couples around them.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the people of Nepal as a surge of coronavirus is currently affecting the country and many are struggling in the midst of overwhelmed hospitals and inadequate supplies. Brook Hills has been partnering with gospel workers in Nepal for many years, specifically among the least reached Tibetan Buddhist people groups in the far reaches of the Himalayan mountains. Join us this week as we pray for the people of Nepal, and for our partners who are strategically working to provide for those who are suffering with the virus and to prevent further spread of the virus.
Day 1: The current surge in COVID-19 cases has caused a spirit of fear to linger among the people living in the Himalayas. Pray for believers and workers in the villages of the Himalayas to declare their hope in Christ and for many to turn to Him.
Day 2: While there are no confirmed cases in the main valley our partners work in, many health posts throughout the villages of the Himalayas are reporting villagers with suspicious flu and cold-like symptoms. Pray for testing supplies to arrive this week so they will have the ability to test and provide appropriate care to those who may be suffering from COVID-19.
Day 3: Pray for our partners as they procure necessary equipment for isolation centers and health posts, as well as maintain close communication with health workers to ensure proper isolation and testing guidelines are understood and enacted. Pray for God to be merciful to those they are serving.
Day 4: There are 21 least reached Tibetan Buddhist people groups living in the Himalayas where our partners are serving. The majority of these people have never heard of Christ and there are still very few churches that exist among these people groups. Pray that even in the midst of this difficult surge of cases, God would use it to bring good news of Christ into the villages that are being affected. Pray for many to believe in Christ.
Day 5: The coronavirus is always presenting new challenges and opportunities for our partners to serve in the villages of the Himalayas. Pray for God to continue to show favor to our partners and for each of them to be bold to share the love of Christ that compels them to serve.
Day 6: Pray for the slowing of the virus in Nepal. Pray for those who are suffering to find rest. Pray for God to be merciful to those who are infected. Pray for the gospel to spread.
Sunday Setlist