This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for God to grant strength, patience, understanding, and wisdom to the men in our faith family to lead their families well. Pray for the fathers in our church to take seriously their responsibility to raise up their children in the knowledge of God. Pray for all of us to join these fathers in helping them make disciples of their children. Pray for the fatherless today to find comfort in God. Pray for fathers who have lost children to know the peace only God can provide. Praise God for being our good, gracious, and loving Heavenly Father.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Magic City Mix, the student ministry local mission event happening this week on Lorna Road. This event is a collaboration of Brook Hills’ Student Ministry, Global Missions, City Ministries, Hispanic Congregation, and Housekeeping. The goal of this week is to engage children living in the Lorna Road area with the good news of the gospel through backyard Bible clubs, while also encouraging and loving their parents. We are praying that this event is a first step that will lead to fruitful ministry to internationals living in the Hoover area for many years to come. Our Hispanic Congregation will begin a Bible study on July 10 on the First Baptist Church of Hoover campus. We are also praying this week for First Baptist Church of Hoover and Pastor Eric Roberts.
Day 1: Pray for all of the children in Hoover who will be impacted by Magic City Mix. Pray for the Lord to soften and prepare their hearts to hear the good news of the gospel. Pray that as the gospel is presented throughout the week, kids' hearts and minds would be receptive to this life changing news of salvation.
Day 2: Pray for the BH Students leading Magic City Mix. Pray for them to draw near to the Lord in preparation for the week, and that they would be ambassadors for Christ. Pray for boldness in sharing the gospel. Pray that as these 6th-12th grade students share the Word through crafts, music, games, and Bible stories, God would be honored and glorified by their faithful obedience.
Day 3: Please pray for our Magic City Mix adult volunteers. Pray for them to be effective in ministering to children and parents as they share the gospel in their various roles as organizers, coordinators, and leaders in hospitality. Pray that they would support our students well as the students lead in music, Bible study, crafts, and recreation.
Day 4: Pray for our BH Hispanic Congregation as they serve as translators and ambassadors of the gospel to the international friends we will meet during Magic City Mix. Pray for relationships to develop between our Hispanic Congregation members and the Lorna Road neighbors, as well as with First Baptist Church of Hoover. Pray for the new BH Hispanic Bible Study beginning in July.
Day 5: As we partner with FBC Hoover during Magic City Mix, please pray for their congregation. Pray for Pastor Eric Roberts as he leads, as well as for the FBC Hoover faith family. Ask that the Lord would use this church abundantly to minister to their surrounding neighborhoods.
Day 6: Pray for the upcoming food distribution and medical clinics we currently have scheduled for internationals at FBC Hoover. Pray that as we reach people by providing physical needs, for spiritual needs to be met as well. Pray that at each and every event, the love of Jesus is made known through our deeds and words.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Philip and Joanna Z. who were sent out from Brook Hills to serve Long-Term in Southeast Asia. Philip and Joanna are currently working with their team to engage people with the gospel in hopes of seeing churches planted among those who are being saved across Southeast Asia. Join us this week as we pray for Philip and Joanna.
Day 1: Praise God that Joanna completed language school this last week. Pray for God to give her confidence as she uses what she has learned to make the gospel known to those she is engaging.
Day 2: Restrictions due to COVID-19 have been intense in their city over the last few months. Pray for God to provide more interactions with their neighbors and for true friendships to form as things loosen up and life begins to normalize. Pray for God to give Philip and Joanna boldness to make new friends.
Day 3: Pray for Philip and Joanna as they grow in love for one another. Pray for wisdom in parenting and for their family to be a shining light of the gospel to those they are meeting.
Day 4: Good friends and partners in the ministry are moving away, and Philip and Joanna are grieving their departure. Pray for Philip and Joanna as they grieve the loss of proximity and ministry partnership with these friends and for God to provide new relationships to grow with other teammates.
Day 5: Philip and Joanna have some projects helping a local partner train leaders in church planting. Pray that they would be a help and blessing to this partner as they strengthen the local church together so there might be a church in every village and the gospel in every ear.
Day 6: Pray for Philip and Joanna to remain steadfast in the work God has given to them. Pray that many might come to faith in Christ and the glory of God would be made known to those who have never heard.
Sunday Setlist

Small Group Basics