This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God the Father for sending His Son, Jesus Christ. Ask the Spirit to guide our understanding as we begin our new sermon series in the Gospels. Pray for us all to encounter Jesus in a fresh way and to grow in our knowledge of Him as we continue to follow after Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Brook Hills Hispanic Congregation and their Pastor Abner Aguilar. They desire to engage the Spanish speaking population in the Birmingham area with the gospel and make disciples who are making disciples. They meet for worship in Spanish every Sunday at 12:30pm in our Student Center.
Day 1: Pray for Pastor Abner and for Alex Gomez, his assistant, as they lead the congregation to engage the Spanish speaking community of Birmingham with the gospel and lead them to love Jesus, grow in Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus. Pray for God to send more leaders to join them in these efforts.
Day 2: Pray for the opportunities that are opening on Lorna Road and through our partnership with FBC Hoover. Pray that as the Hispanic Congregation begins a second Bible study on the FBC Hoover campus on Saturday nights in July, that the gospel will be made known and that people will come to know the life-giving richness found in Jesus.
Day 3: Pray for the many Hispanic Congregation members that have been going through incredibly hard times. Pray that they can remain faithful even with the troubles they are facing. Pray for them to feel God’s peace, hope, and joy during this time.
Day 4: Pray for the small group leaders and other Brook Hills members serving in this ministry. Pray that they will make an impact in the spiritual growth of others, and that they will model to others how to love sacrificially.
Day 5: Pray for wisdom for the Hispanic preachers as they plan and prepare passages to preach. Pray that they find the clearest way to teach the Word of God so that many will know Jesus more deeply. Pray that the messages will comfort hearts, encourage growth, and exalt Jesus.
Day 6: Pray that many Spanish speaking people living in the Birmingham area will come to faith in Christ in 2021 through their efforts.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termer, Kristi, as she serves in North Africa. Kristi lives and works in a major city in North Africa, providing leadership at a company that develops English tutoring programs for students wanting to learn English. Through her work, she is able to not only serve her students with excellent teaching programs, but to also serve on a team that engages a least reached people group with the gospel. Join us this week as we pray for Kristi.
Day 1: Praise God for the students and classes that Kristi is currently teaching. Pray for God to provide opportunities, beyond teaching them English, to engage in deeper gospel conversations.
Day 2: Pray for Kristi to be rooted daily in the gospel and in God’s Word. Pray that each day she will depend and trust in the Lord.
Day 3: Kristi has a friend named Holly that has shown interest in the gospel and reading more of the Bible. Pray for Holly. Pray that the Father would open her eyes to the truth and that He will give Kristi boldness to share.
Day 4: Praise God that the company Kristi works for is growing. Pray for wisdom for both Kristi and her co-workers as they develop their company for the future.
Day 5: Pray that God continues to give Kristi everything she needs to be able to do her job well and to flourish in the work He has given her.
Day 6: Pray for God to save the men and women Kristi is sharing the gospel with. Pray for Christ’s name to be made known through Kristi and her team.
Sunday Setlist