This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for our upcoming Men’s Conference occurring later this week. Pray for Ray Ortlund, our speaker, for Him to preach the Word of God boldly and clearly. Pray the men in our faith family will respond to God’s call to follow His leadership as they lead within their own families and within our church. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict men of any passive neglect of their responsibilities that may exist in their lives. Ask God to unite the men of our faith family together in brotherly love and fellowship. Pray our Men’s Conference will have lasting results on the life of our church.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Apartment Life (, a ministry that partners with the local church to place teams of missional believers, or “CARES Teams,” inside apartment communities with discounted rent to demonstrate Christ’s love by caring for residents in times of need, welcoming new residents to the community, and hosting events so that community can flourish. We are also praying for Liberty Baptist Church and Pastor Tim Cox.
DAY 1: Pray for the two CARES Teams currently serving in apartment communities in Birmingham as they demonstrate God’s love to their neighbors in real, tangible ways.
DAY 2: Pray for Brook Hills members Steve and Karen Dewhirst, who serve as a CARES team in a nearby apartment community. Pray for God to grant them favor with the apartment staff and residents.
DAY 3: Pray for God to call out passionate, missional believers to serve in the seven available apartment communities in Birmingham that are currently waiting for CARES teams.
DAY 4: Pray for residents living in CARES communities to participate in the outreach events, connect with the CARES teams, and be receptive to the gospel.
DAY 5: Pray for more apartment communities in Birmingham to open their properties to CARES teams.
DAY 6: Pray and ask God how He would call you to participate in this ministry, either by becoming a CARES team, praying for a team, or supporting a team as they serve their community.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Field Partner Compassion International. Compassion is a long-time partner with The Church at Brook Hills that helps to release children from the cycle of poverty in Jesus’ name. The Church at Brook Hills has partnered and sponsored Child Survival Programs through Compassion International since 2009. This year we are sponsoring nine programs in the unreached areas of Northern India, one in Ethiopia, and one in Dominican Republic. Join us this week as we pray for our partner Compassion International and the children who are part of the projects around the world. For more information visit We are also praying for our Short-Term team serving in the Middle East.
DAY 1: Pray for God to continue to use Compassion throughout the world to help children living in poverty know the hope of Christ.
DAY 2: Pray for the mothers and babies who are part of the Child Survival Programs. Pray for God to transform their lives through Christ Jesus.
DAY 3: Praise God for Compassion International and the 1.3 million children living in poverty who are currently sponsored through this organization.
DAY 4: Pray for the nine Child Survival Programs in Northern India we as a church get to sponsor. Pray that through this partnership many families in these areas will have what they need to survive and that many unreached peoples can hear the gospel.
DAY 5: Pray for the Child Survival Program in Ethiopia we as a church get to sponsor. Pray for the pastor and his church that host the CSP. Pray for their faith family to be strengthened as they care for the poor through Compassion in their community.
DAY 6: Pray for the ministry of Compassion International to expand. Pray for God to give wisdom to leadership as they continue to work to release children from the cycle of poverty in Jesus’ name.
The Lion and the Lamb
Verse 1
He's coming on the clouds
Kings and kingdoms will bow down
And every chain will break
As broken hearts declare His praise
For who can stop the Lord almighty
Our God is the Lion
The Lion of Judah
He's roaring with power
And fighting our battles
And every knee will bow before Him
Our God is the Lamb
The Lamb that was slain
For the sin of the world
His blood breaks the chains
And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb
Oh every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb
Verse 2
So open up the gates
Make way before the King of kings
Our God who comes to save
Is here to set the captives free
For who can stop the Lord almighty
Who can stop the Lord almighty
Who can stop the Lord (almighty)
How Great Thou Art
Verse 1
O Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds
Thy hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy pow'r thru'out
The universe displayed
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Verse 2
When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
And hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze
Verse 3
And when I think
That God His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die
I scarce can take it in
That on the cross
My burden gladly bearing
He bled and died
To take away my sin
Verse 4
When Christ shall come
With shout of acclamation
And take me home
What joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim
My God how great Thou art
Great Are You Lord
Verse 1
You give life You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope You restore ev'ry heart that is broken
And great are You Lord
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry these bones will sing
Great are You Lord
Crown Him (Majesty)
Verse 1
Crown Him with many crowns
The Lamb upon His throne
Hark how the heav'nly anthem drowns
All music but its own
Awake my soul and sing
Of Him who died for me
And hail Him as thy matchless King
Through all eternity
Majesty Lord of all
Let ev'ry throne before Him fall
The King of kings
O come adore
Our God who reigns forevermore (forevermore)
Verse 2
Crown Him the Lord of life
Who triumphed o'er the grave
And rose victorious in the strife
For those He came to save
His glories now we sing
Who died and rose on high
Who died eternal life to bring
And lives that death may die
All hail Redeemer hail
For He has died for me
His praise and glory shall not fail
Throughout eternity
Man of Sorrows (Hallelujah! He Has Saved Me)
Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we
Spotless Lamb of God was He
“Full atonement!” can it be
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah, He has saved me
Sin and death shall reign no more
Christ has made a way for sinners
Hallelujah, what a Savior
Lifted up was He to die
“It is finished!” was His cry
Now in heav’n exalted high
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King
All His ransomed home to bring
Then anew His song we’ll sing
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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