This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Word and for guiding us in our study of 1 Timothy. Ask Him to continue to grow us in community and unity with one another. Pray for the commitment and perseverance to live our lives together as a fatih family as God has intended. Pray for God to add many to our number as He saves people through our ministry and sharing of the gospel.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Sav-a-Life Shelby, a pregnancy resource ministry whose mission is to develop a culture of life in Shelby County and to offer the hope of the gospel. By providing free, confidential services in a compassionate and loving environment to women, men, and families facing an unplanned pregnancy, Sav-A-Life Shelby hopes to see clients choose life for themselves and for their unborn child. We are also praying for First Baptist Church Alabaster and Pastor Steve Andrews.
DAY 1: Pray for each client seeking help from the Pregnancy Resource Center in Pelham to encounter Jesus and be transformed by the Gospel.
DAY 2: Pray for more and more women and men to choose life for their unborn child and for abortion to become undesirable and unnecessary in Shelby County.
DAY 3: Pray for the Sav-A-Life Shelby staff and leadership, that they will seek God’s will and yield to His plans for this ministry.
DAY 4: Pray for the “Earn While You Learn” classes to be fruitful and grow to reach and educate more members of the community.
DAY 5: Pray for the board and volunteers who support this ministry. Pray they will bear much fruit in their kingdom labor as they abide in Christ.
DAY 6: Pray for each avenue of ministry that God has entrusted to Sav-A-Life Shelby to further their mission to share the hope of Christ in Shelby County.
Pray for the World
Next week begins our month long celebration of all God has accomplished through the Global Offering. The Global Offering is how our faith family fuels our Global Disciple-Making efforts to all nations. It is an offering, separate from our budget, above and beyond our regular tithe. It helps send out Short, Mid, and Long-Termers, helps support ministry projects through field partners, and it ultimately allows us to participate in the vision God has given our faith family to see churches strengthened and established among unreached people groups all over the world. Join us this week as we thank God for the opportunity to contribute to the Global Offering and pray we continue to participate in the work he is doing among all nations. To give to the Global Offering visit:
DAY 1: Thank God for the way He has used our faith family this year to participate in the advancement of the gospel to all nations. Thank Him for blessing us to be a blessing to those who have never heard of Christ.
DAY 2: This year, the Global Offering was used to send our faith family on over 30 Short-Term trips. Praise God for mobilizing so many of our members to be on mission. Praise God for the opportunities to share the gospel on these trips. Praise God for saving many who heard of Christ.
DAY 3: There are still 4.2 billion people in the world who have little to no access to the gospel. Pray for our church to be obedient to give to the Global Offering so we can participate in the urgency of taking the gospel to those who haven’t heard.
DAY 4: This year, the Global Offering was used to send and support 25 Long-Term missionaries who are currently on the field. Pray for our missionaries as they work in difficult places. Pray for God to call more members from our faith family to go.
DAY 5: Ask the Father to show you how you can sacrificially participate in the Global Offering this year. Consider how you can use your resources to participate in the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
DAY 6: Ask the Lord to bless the Global Offering. Pray that our faith family would give with glad hearts and for the Lord to be pleased as we glorify and honor Him through our giving.
Sunday Setlist