This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for all the ways He has worked in and through our lives and our church over this past year. Thank Him for how He has so faithfully sustained us and granted us perseverance in the face of many trials and struggles throughout 2020. Ask Him to grow our hope in response to all He has done, continues to do, and will do in the future. Pray for Him to help us all faithfully follow Him wherever He may lead us in 2021 and to confidently rely upon His Spirit to empower us as bold witnesses to HIs gospel here and around the world.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Metro Changers, a faith-based organization that equips groups of volunteers to work together to provide renovation and home repair services at no cost to elderly or low-income homeowners. We’re also praying this week for Covenant Presbyterian Church and Pastor Robby Holt.
Day 1: Pray for those already signed up to participate in work projects in Birmingham next year. Pray for many new volunteers to sign up to serve in 2021 as well. Pray that both would grow deeper in their personal walk with Christ through serving others.
Day 2: Pray for the homeowners and other members of the community who will interact with the work crews from Metro Changers over this next year. Pray that they will see the love of Christ on display and will have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
Day 3: Pray for more homeowners to come to know about Metro Changers and the services they provide at no cost. Pray that they will complete the application and Metro Changers can process it quickly and have volunteers available to serve.
Day 4: Pray that more local congregations will look for strategic ways to be involved in urban ministry, and will partner with organizations like Metro Changers and Birmingham Baptist Association in order to show the gospel by meeting physical needs and sharing the gospel through relationships built.
Day 5: Pray for all of the neighborhoods Metro Changers will work in during 2021. Pray for safety and security in those neighborhoods. Pray for the residents of those neighborhoods, and that they would be good neighbors by demonstrating the love of Christ to one another.
Day 6: Pray for the staff and leadership at Metro Changers as they seek God’s will in serving low-income families and the elderly in Birmingham through home repair. Pray for the financial resources they need to accomplish the ministry they have been called to lead.
Pray for the World
This week concludes our month-long celebration of the Global Offering. The Global Offering is an opportunity for us as a church to give above and beyond our regular giving so we can send, support, and open new pathways of opportunities to engage the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Global Offering specifically allows us to train new leaders to bless the global church. This week we are praying specifically for the seventy-five students who are being trained at a Bible College in Southeast Asia who will lead the church among least reached people. Through the Global Offering, we were able to provide resources so these students can receive good biblical training. To read a story of how these resources are making an impact, visit and pray.
DAY 1: Pray for the 75 students currently studying at the Bible College in Southeast Asia. Pray for God to bless their studies and grow their faith as they study.
DAY 2: Pray for the on-site training that takes place several times a year, when teachers from the Bible College travel to remote mountain areas to provide training for those who can’t come to the city. Pray for the gospel to spread through these leaders as they boldly proclaim the gospel.
DAY 3: Pray for those who have now received training to boldly lead their churches to reach out to the masses around them who have never heard the Good News.
DAY 4: Persecution is inevitable for those who believe and especially for those who are leading churches in this country. Pray especially for new believers to stand strong in the face of painful persecution.
DAY 5: Praise God for the opportunity to invest in these leaders through the Global Offering. Pray for these men to be a blessing to the church in their country. Pray for God to raise up humble, faithful, and bold men who love him and who desire to lead others to love Christ as well.
DAY 6: Pray for the church to grow and expand throughout the world. Pray for God to continue to use Brook Hills to train new leaders who can be a blessing to the global church so it might flourish and bless the nations.
Sunday Setlist