This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, on that first Christmas so long ago. Pray for opportunities to share the message of Christmas with others we encounter over these holidays. Ask God to soften the hearts of those who will hear the gospel through so many times of celebration and to grant them ears to hear and faith to believe. Pray for God to use us all individually and corporately as a church to carry His gospel to many who have not yet heard, that we might celebrate Christmas next year with new brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for various Christmas outreach efforts across our city. The Christmas season offers a unique opportunity to witness to others as we celebrate the true gift of Christmas—the free gift of eternal life made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We’re also praying this week for CrossPoint Church in Trussville and Pastor Ryan Whitley.
Day 1: Pray for our own faith family that we will find intentional ways to engage the lost, show hospitality, and exalt Christ during this Christmas season. Pray for faithful and fruitful gospel conversations. Pray personally for opportunities to serve, people to pray for, and ways to give sacrificially.
Day 2: Pray for the many partners that are helping to provide gifts this Christmas for vulnerable families in our city, especially for those we support. Pray for Christmas in the Village by Oak Tree Ministries, Thrive Christmas Shop by Serving You Ministries, Lovelady Christmas Store by Lovelady Ministries, New Rising Star’s Community Christmas Shop by NRS Community Support Program, Olivia’s House Christmas emphasis, and Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Outreach. Pray that as children open their toys on Christmas morning, the families would remember that Christ is the greatest gift of all.
Day 3: Pray for safety and protection this Christmas for all of our partners, their volunteers, and our neighbors as they navigate Christmas during a pandemic. Pray that all who serve and attend will remain healthy. Pray that even through masks, smiles will be seen. Pray that even without hugs, Christ's love will be felt.
Day 4: Pray for our many other partner ministries and other Christian organizations in the Birmingham community as they seek to exalt Christ and serve the city through various avenues this Christmas. Pray they will have an abundance of volunteers and resources to support their outreach initiatives.
Day 5: Pray that many from our faith family will have opportunities to invite unbelieving neighbors, internationals, and family members into their homes and to our Christmas Eve gatherings during the holidays, and that they will witness the hope and joy that Christmas brings to those who are trusting in Christ.
Day 6: Pray that many across our city will personally consider the gift of Christ and will receive forgiveness and eternal life through repentance and faith during this season.
Pray for the World
This week we continue to highlight our month-long celebration of the Global Offering. The Global Offering is an opportunity for us as a church to give above and beyond our regular giving so we can send, support, and open new pathways of opportunities to engage the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Global Offering specifically allows us to plant new churches in places where they do not exist and nurture churches where they do. This week we are praying for the church in Turkey. Through the Global Offering, we were able to provide resources for the small but existing church so they can grow and nurture one another in healthy gospel community. To read a story of how these resources are making an impact, visit and pray.
Day 1: Turkey’s evangelical believing population is estimated to be around 4,000, making it percentage wise one of the most least reached countries in the world. Pray for Muslims across Turkey to have their eyes open to the truth of the gospel.
Day 2: Praise God for the slow and steady growth of Turkish evangelical Christian churches. Pray for God to grow and develop healthy pastors and elders to shepherd these fellowships.
Day 3: Praise God that His Word is translated and getting to thousands of people throughout Turkey. Pray for His Word to pierce the heart and soul of those who read it. Pray for God to call Turkish men and women to Himself through the Scriptures and for believers to come in contact to teach the word to those who are reading it.
Day 4: Through the Global Offering, we were able to translate additional resources for the nurturing of the small church that exists in Turkey. Pray for these resources to encourage the church and help believers deepen their faith in Jesus Christ.
Day 5: Pray for Sayit, a man who has been given the New Testament in his language and the other books that were translated. Pray for God to open Sayit’s eyes to see his need for a Savior.
Day 6: Pray for God to bless these resources so believers in Turkey will grow in their faith, be convicted of their sins, and become more like Christ. Pray for healthy churches throughout Turkey that are making disciples and boldly proclaiming Christ to their neighbors and the nations around them.
Sunday Setlist