This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God the Father for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, whose incarnation we celebrate at Christmas. Pray for Him to guard us from the distractions and temptations this season brings. Ask for His help in making the most of opportunities this season affords us to boldly and confidently share His gospel with the world around us. Pray for us all to grow in the knowledge of our One Mediator who gave Himself as a ransom for all.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for The Foundry Ministries, a Christian nonprofit organization located in Bessemer that provides life-changing guidance and hope for the addict and their community through Christ-centered recovery and rescue. The Foundry is a haven where the broken can experience the love of Christ, find freedom, and discover purpose through a transitional housing environment and community ministries. We are also praying for First Baptist Church Trussville and Pastor Buddy Champion.
Day 1: Pray for the Foundry as they labor to see the chains of drug and alcohol addiction broken by the power of the gospel in the lives of men and women.
Day 2: Pray for the men and women residing at The Foundry to experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Day 3: Pray for the families of those in the recovery program to experience healing from the broken relationships caused by the addictions that their loved ones have battled.
Day 4: Pray for the staff members who come from all walks of life to serve at The Foundry. Pray for strength and renewal as they pour themselves out daily to serve others.
Day 5: Pray for the joy of Christ to fill the hearts of the residents this holiday season. Pray especially for those separated from their families due to the harmful effects of addiction, imprisonment, and homelessness.
Day 6: Pray for abundant resources that would enable the ministry to impact more lives for the sake of Christ in the coming years.
Pray for the World
This week begins our month-long celebration of what God has accomplished through the Global Offering this year. The Global Offering is our commitment as a church to sacrificially give above and beyond our regular giving so we can send, support, and open new pathways of opportunities to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations. We want to pray that God would continue to use us as a church to make His name known among the nations. Specifically, we give thanks to God for the different people groups and places around the world He has allowed Brook Hills to have access into and especially pray for those He has sent out from among us to live and work in these areas. Join us as we pray for the gospel to advance through our Long-Term workers we have scattered throughout the world.
Day 1: We believe Christ is the only way man can be saved and made right before a holy God. Pray to the end God will use His church to get this good news of Christ to all the world.
Day 2: God is worthy of the praise of all the peoples of the earth. Pray for the people groups that God has given Brook Hills access into. Pray for God’s name to be known and feared and worshipped by them.
Day 3: Praise God for the long-term workers who have been sent out from Brook Hills. Pray for God to give them favor and open doors for the gospel to go forward and bear fruit in all of the world.
Day 4: Pray for the Global Offering to help us sustain our long-term workers and bless them as they faithfully serve and make disciples among the nations.
Day 5: Praise God that the gospel is powerful enough to save all people for heaven. Pray for God to mobilize His church to go and commit their lives to tell of His salvation. Pray for God to call out more long-term workers from among Brook Hills.
Day 6: Pray for us as a church to prioritize our lives and resources for the sake of the gospel among those that do not have access to it.
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