This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for those He calls out from among us to serve as Elders to shepherd, lead, and care for us. Ask Him to grant us wisdom as we consider these three candidates to serve in this vital role. Pray for God to prepare them for the task He has ahead of them.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for NorthStar Soccer Ministries, a Christ-centered non-profit soccer organization that seeks to introduce the value of sports at inner city schools, while mentoring students and sharing the Gospel. We are also praying for New Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Thomas Beavers.
DAY 1: Pray for spiritually motivated volunteers for NorthStar who want to share the Gospel and be a mentor for an at-risk student. Pray for fruitful gospel and discipleship conversations while they teach and coach students.
DAY 2: Pray for NorthStar programs not only to benefit individual youth, but to also serve as a beacon and rallying point for families. Pray that NorthStar can be one among many positive strands that do good and build the community while pointing to Christ.
DAY 3: Pray against negative community influences which can lure youth away from positive opportunities. Pray against gangs, substance abuse and crime. Pray for the flourishing of other positive opportunities such as arts programs, academic enrichment opportunities, scouting/adventure programs, and supportive church youth groups.
DAY 4: Pray specifically for NorthStar’s involvement at Oliver Elementary School. The program is new to Oliver this year and the kids are excited. Pray that through soccer, many families at Oliver will come to know the love of Christ and find joy in community. Pray that NorthStar will be seen as a positive addition both to the school programming and to the community of Gate City.
DAY 5: Pray for financial provision for NorthStar Soccer. Pray that many would see the positive influence sports can have on a child’s life and make an investment in that. Pray for new van donations. Transportation is always an issue for NorthStar families.
DAY 6: Pray for Paul Neville, NorthStar Soccer Ministries Executive Director. Pray that the Lord would give him wisdom and clarity as he seeks to continue to expand NorthStar into other schools. Pray for the Board of Directors and staff as they seek to model Christ to the families they touch in all they do.
Pray for the World
Join us this week as we pray for the Malay. The Malay are the majority people group of Malaysia. There are very few Malay believers, as it is illegal to proselytize a Malay. Malay people that become Christians are at risk of incredible persecution. People are classified as Malay by the federal constitution if they speak Bahasa Malay, practice Malay customs, and are followers of Islam.
DAY 1: Pray for God to open the doors for the 7 million Malay to hear the gospel, and to hear it in their heart language. Pray that they would turn and believe.
DAY 2: Pray that Malay people would encounter believers that will be faithful to share the gospel in word and deed. Pray that they would seek the one true God.
DAY 3: “To be Malay is to be Muslim.” This is part of their identity. Pray against this mentality, and that the Lord would break these chains that hold them to their culture and heritage. Pray for open hearts to hear the good news.
DAY 4: Pray that the Malay will understand that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Christ.
DAY 5: Pray for the three families sent out from our faith family who live and work in Malaysia to have opportunities to engage lost people with the gospel. Pray for God to give them success as they strive to integrate into and do good for their communities.
DAY 6: Pray for God to save many Malay people. Pray that he would soften the hearts and open the eyes and ears of the Malay to respond to the gospel.