This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Spirit, His presence and power with us. Pray for us all to grow confident in the hope He is working all things together for our good. Ask Him to grant us His strength in our weakness. Thank Him for being for us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Restoration Academy, a K-12 Christian school located in Fairfield, AL with a mission to provide an excellent, Christ-Centered education to students predominantly from lower-income families. Restoration Academy is committed to meeting individual students at their point of need, providing dynamic instruction and curriculum, competitive sports, and outlets for kids to grow into all that God desires while breaking generational cycles of poverty, violence, addiction, and fatherlessness. We are also praying for Urban Hope Community Church and Pastor Alton Hardy.
Day 1: Pray for the administration, teachers, and volunteers at Restoration Academy who daily pour into the students under their care. Pray that they would walk in faithful obedience to God’s will and would be encouraged and strengthened by His Spirit.
Day 2: Pray for the weekly tutors who invest in the students as well as the volunteers who serve as teachers' aides, classroom sponsors, and "Room Mom." Pray for God to raise up additional tutors and mentors for this school.
Day 3: Pray for financial provision for Restoration Academy. RA is currently building a new dining hall and gym space for the students. Pray that the construction work goes smoothly and that all the financial needs of the expansion are met.
Day 4: Pray for opportunities for the Gospel to be proclaimed to students who do not yet know Christ. It is the school’s goal that, upon graduation, each student would have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be committed to following Him.
Day 5: Pray for Restoration Academy as they seek to expand their impact and reach throughout the city. Pray for new programming, services, and opportunities for students so that they may excel and fulfill the plans that God has already laid out for them. Pray that these new programs and services would help students succeed in life, grow closer to God, and grow His kingdom.
Day 6: Pray for protection for the Restoration Academy students, staff, and the entire city of Fairfield, as school shootings and community violence are at an all-time high in our country. Praise and thank God for placing His arms of protection around the Fairfield and RA communities and ask that He continue to keep them safe.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for the Southeast Asian country of Cambodia. Cambodia has a population of 16 million people with Buddhism as the main religion (95%). This month, Cambodian Buddhists are celebrating a holiday called Pchum Ben. They believe that the gates of hell are open for fifteen days, allowing evil souls of deceased family members to visit temples in order to eat physical food offered to them. Feeding these spirits is meant to give merit to the families and improve the statuses of deceased family members in the afterlife.
Day 1: Pray for fruitful gospel conversations during this holiday. Pray for Buddhists to fall in love with Jesus as the one true God and Savior of the world. John 4:42
Day 2: This is a hard time of year for Cambodian believers because they face much family pressure to make offerings in temples. It is often perceived as a betrayal to the family and abandonment of deceased family members not to do so. Pray for the perseverance of the saints in the face of persecution. Pray for them to respond graciously and to press into Christ deeply during this dark holiday. Pray for their families to believe their testimonies about Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:11-13
Day 3: Pray for a correct understanding of the afterlife, and the hope and life Jesus provides through His death, resurrection, and intercession. Hebrews 7:25
Day 4: Pray for Buddhists to recognize that Jesus is the true God of the living and the dead, who holds the keys of hades. Romans 14:9; Revelation 1:17-18
Day 5: Pray against demonic activity. Pray for Buddhists to realize that evil spirits are dangerous enemies to their souls. Pray for them to want the Holy Spirit to dwell in their hearts forever. Ephesians 1:11-14
Day 6: Pray for the Holy Spirit to remove blinders from people’s eyes and hearts. Pray for a spiritual awakening in Cambodia for the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4-6
Sunday Setlist

BH Men's Gathering