This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His gospel. Ask Him to open doors for us to give us opportunities to share His good news with those who need to hear. Pray for Him to grow our boldness in sharing with others about Jesus. Ask for His wisdom to know how to best make the most of every gospel opportunity He gives us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Iglesia la Conexion (formerly the Brook Hills Hispanic Congregation) and their ministry to one another, to our city, and to the nations. One year ago, Iglesia la Conexion moved to Hoover where their attendance on Sundays and at outreach events have been growing regularly. Through their ministry and service, they have welcomed new members into their congregation, met physical needs of their community, and served refugees and immigrants as they settle into Birmingham. The gospel is being proclaimed clearly to the nations through the ministry of Iglesia la Conexion.
Day 1: Pray that the ILC leaders, empowered by the Holy Spirit, would have God’s wisdom to oversee their many avenues of ministry: evangelism, discipleship, small groups, worship, and missions.
Day 2: Pray that God would use our Hispanic Congregation to make an impact in Hoover and across Birmingham, especially among Spanish-speaking individuals and families, through outreach initiatives such as neighborhood small groups, music classes, after school reading program, biblical counseling, and special events.
Day 3: Pray that God would raise up leaders to meet their goal of starting new Spanish-speaking small groups in Hoover. Pray that our Hispanic Congregation would boldly and passionately share the gospel with the Spanish-speaking community in the Hoover area.
Day 4: Pray for ILC’s upcoming outreach events. ILC will be hosting a Fall Festival for the community on Saturday, October 21st. ILC will also be hosting a Christmas Shoppe in December. Pray that as visitors and families come on campus for these events, they will feel welcomed by the ILC members and be open to Gospel conversations.
Day 5: Pray that during this time of uncertainty for many immigrants, members of our Hispanic congregation would put their trust in God for protection and guidance and would remain focused on their mission to glorify God by making disciples of every language, tribe and nation.
Day 6: Pray that God would continue to add members to Iglesia la Conexion and for the members to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for our Mid Term Partner, Lindy S. Lindy serves in Central Asia, working in medical clinics and sharing the Good News with the Pearl* People Group.
Day 1: Pray for their medical outreach to continue to flourish so that the team would have many opportunities to share the Good News with the Pearl* women. Pray that they would shine bright with the love of Christ in each home they enter. Praise God for the opportunities they have to go into homes to serve women.
Day 2: On Friday nights, Lindy and her team go to the park along with hundreds of Pearl women and children who gather to fellowship, eat, and drink tea together. Pray for the Pearl men in the city, and the men on the team who have the opportunity to meet with them in the evenings. Pray that they will develop friendships and make the most of opportunities to share the Good News.
Day 3: Pray for Lindy as she studies language. Pray that she will work hard and that she will be able to clearly communicate the gospel in the local language. Pray also for her language teachers, who are expecting their first baby. They are local believers. Pray they would be united in how they love and raise their child.
Day 4: Pray for several of Lindy’s friends, Hannah*, Ami*, and Z*. Pray that Lindy will be a bright light of the Good News of Jesus to these friends. Pray that each of them would have softened hearts to hear the gospel and be forever changed.
Day 5: Pray for perseverance for Lindy and her team. Pray that they will love each other well and that the community around them would know they are disciples of Jesus by that love. Pray that as teammates come and go, Lindy and the team would be comforted and remember to press into the Father for all their needs.
Day 6: Pray that Lindy would cling to Jesus for her rest when days are tough. Pray she would run to him and that she will rely on his Word. Pray that she will be intentional in all she does and that she will share the Truth with all the people she meets.
*Names have been changed for security.
Sunday Setlist

BH Men's Gathering