This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for welcoming us into His family. Ask Him to use us as an extension of His grace as we welcome others into our lives and homes. Pray for us to become a more hospitable people who provide warm environments of care for those around us where the gospel can be shared with the love of God.
Pray for the City
This week, as we kickoff our Magi Trees Christmas Outreach efforts to support Iglesia La Conexion and Oak Tree Ministries, we are praying for various Christmas outreach efforts across our city. The Christmas season offers a unique opportunity to go strong to our community and city with our witness to others as we celebrate the true Gift of Christmas, the free gift of eternal life made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are also praying for Double Oak Community Church and Pastor Adam Robinson.
DAY 1: Pray for us as a faith family to find intentional ways to engage the lost in our rhythms of life, show hospitality to neighbors and international friends, and serve the needy during this Christmas season. Pray personally for opportunities to serve, ways to give sacrificially, new friendships, and boldness to have gospel conversations.
DAY 2: Pray for the many partners who are helping to provide gifts this Christmas for vulnerable families in our city, especially for those we support. Pray for Christmas in the Village led by Oak Tree Ministries, Iglesia la Conexion’s Christmas Shoppe and outreach event, Thrive Christmas Shop by Serving You Ministries, Lovelady Christmas Store by Lovelady Ministries, New Rising Star’s Community Christmas Shop by NRS Community Support Program, and Olivia’s House Christmas emphasis led by Brook Hills members. Pray as children open their toys on Christmas morning, the families would know that Jesus’ incarnation and sacrificial death is the greatest gift of all.
DAY 3: Pray for safety and protection this Christmas for all of our partners, their volunteers, and our neighbors as they navigate the Christmas season. Pray for the love of Christ to be felt through the gifts and services provided this Christmas.
DAY 4: Pray for our many other partner ministries and other Christian organizations in the Birmingham community as they seek to exalt Christ and serve the city through various avenues this Christmas. Pray they will have an abundance of volunteers and resources to support their outreach initiatives.
DAY 5: Pray for many from our faith family to have opportunities to invite unbelieving neighbors, internationals, and family members into their homes and to our Christmas Eve gatherings during the holidays to witness the hope and joy that Christmas brings to those who are trusting in Christ.
DAY 6: Pray for many across our city to personally consider the gift of Christ andreceive forgiveness and eternal life through repentance and faith during this season.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for our mid-termer Sara B. Sara serves on a team in Southeast Asia seeking to reach the Su People Group.
DAY 1: Sara has been on the field for over six months. She is currently studying the local language full time. Pray these verses over her language learning: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)
DAY 2: Pray she will be wise with how she stewards her time. Pray she will make the most of every opportunity, seeking to discern good from best. Pray for God to be glorified in and through her and for her to find rest in Him alone.
DAY 3: The Su people group is the largest unreached people group in her country. They are considered both unengaged and unreached. It consists of over 36 million people and less than a half percent are believers. The majority religion is Islam with many believers never even having the opportunity to meet or know another believer. Pray for the gospel to penetrate this people group and for hearts to be softened to the good news of Jesus.
DAY 4: Pray for Sara’s team to be unified in their goals to glorify Jesus, to know Him more, and to share Him with the Su people. Ask God to strengthen them and uphold them daily.
DAY 5: Pray for Sara’s friend, Ri. She is trying to find a new job and Sara is praying in Jesus’ name that this request would be answered. Pray for opportunities where Sara can continue to share the gospel and for Ri to see the grace of Jesus on her life as she seeks and finds a job.
DAY 6: Sara’s friend, Ibu Si, is a believer. She has a salon that she uses to minister to local women. Pray for her to be able to continue to minister to women who don’t have jobs to provide for themselves and their kids. Pray for Sara to come alongside her in her ministry and learn from a local believer how to best serve those less fortunate.

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