This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Thank God for our Student Ministry, for all of our students who will be gathering for Collide next weekend to worship and grow together, and for all of the leaders and volunteers who will be serving. Pray for God to continue to grow our students into godly men and women who love Him with their whole beings and make disciples here and around the world. Ask God to help us all see the role we have to play in raising up emerging generations in the knowledge and love of God. Pray for our students to recognize their own Spirit-empowered gifts and to begin using them to build up our faith family here at Brook Hills.
Pray for the City
In support of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a national day of observance by the pro-life community on the third Sunday of January, we are praying for the lives of the unborn, for biological and adoptive and foster parents, and for all people to recognize the intrinsic value of all human life - from the moment of conception to natural death. We are also praying for Valleydale Church and Pastor Mac Brunson.
DAY 1: Pray for pregnant women in our city and across the nation to comprehend the immeasurable value of the child they are carrying. Ask God to give them strength, understanding, courage, and the relational support to choose life.
DAY 2: Pray for the Church to stand in the gap for the unborn, the most defenseless of God’s children. Pray for us as a church to faithfully make disciples among the parents of the unborn and support them as they choose life.
DAY 3: Pray for elected officials and medical professionals to experience conversion of mind and heart about supporting abortion on demand and for court decisions that permit the destruction of the unborn to be permanently reversed.
DAY 4: Pray for women and men who are mourning the loss of a child to abortion. Pray for them to recognize God’s mercy and forgiveness for sin and to apply the truths of the gospel to themselves to experience God’s mercy and peace.
DAY 5: Pray for Vestavia Sav-A-Life Ministries and Shelby County Sav-A-Life Ministries, Lifeline Children’s Services, Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes, Her Choice, Positive Choices, Life on Wheels, and other ministries in our city offering resources, education, support, and counseling to couples facing unexpectant pregnancies. Pray for the gospel to go out through them and for many unbelieving men and women to turn to the Lord.
DAY 6: Pray for Christians in Birmingham to truly grasp what it means to be “pro life,” actively defending the biblical truth that all human life is made in the image of God and holds significant value from the womb to the tomb, and supporting vulnerable children and their families.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for the people of Nepal. This is a remote nation of over 29 million people with little to no access to the gospel. 275 of the 285 people groups in Nepal are considered unreached. The major religion is Hinduism.
DAY 1: Praise God for His promise in Revelation 7:9 that people from “every nation, from all tribes and peoples, and languages” will be standing before the throne of God - that includes people from Nepal! Pray the Word of God will travel through the remote regions of Nepal and penetrate hearts and minds to the glory of God.
DAY 2: Nepal is located in the Himalayan mountains. The rugged terrain often impedes access to public services. Access to safe drinking water is relatively limited, and there is often an insufficient supply of electricity. Pray that even as the mountains of Nepal shout the glory of God, Christian workers and the very few local believers can have access to these places to tell them the name of Jesus - the only name that saves.
DAY 3: 285 people groups make up a highly diverse population and regularly cause demographic pressures. Social divisions are creating disadvantages for certain ethnicities. Pray for the Word of God, the only source of true peace, to break down barriers and for hearts to be softened by Jesus.
DAY 4: Pray for God to pour out His grace upon the people of Nepal. Pray for people to be saved.
DAY 5: Nepal is ranked #1 in gender imbalance in the world, with significantly more females than males. Early childhood marriage rates are high, and women often receive no schooling. Poor nutrition causes high rates of underweight children. Pray for God to bless Nepalese women and children and bring them to himself. Pray for the men of Nepal to see and know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
DAY 6: Mt. Everest is located in Nepal. This brings tourists to the country. Pray for this access to the country to be an avenue for the Word of God to flow freely to the people of Nepal. Pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in Nepal.