This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the many opportunities He gives us to share about Christ and be gospel-witnesses with our friends, families, classmates, coworkers, and neighbors. Ask Him to help us all make the most of each opportunity we have. Pray for our summer All Out initiative to be a catalyst for us growing as a church in our intentional gospel conversations of all kinds. Ask God to save those with whom we are sharing His gospel.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Sav-A-Life Vestavia, a comprehensive pregnancy care ministry in three locations that is dedicated to offering free and confidential services in a loving environment to women, men, and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. Sav-A-Life Pregnancy Test Center offers hope by providing medical help, pregnancy counseling, and emotional support while sharing the love of Jesus Christ through word and deed. They also offer many services of support to those who choose life for their baby. We are also praying for Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church and Pastor Caleb Click.
DAY 1: Pray for clients who are facing an unplanned pregnancy to feel the hope, love, and compassion of Christ through their interactions with volunteers and staff at Sav-A-Life.
DAY 2: Pray for women who have experienced the pain of abortion. Pray they would seek healing, redemption, and hope. Also, pray they would not be afraid to come back to one of the Sav-A-Life centers for post-abortion medical and emotional care.
DAY 3: Pray for opportunities for Sav-A-Life volunteers and staff to share the hope of the gospel in every interaction with clients as they seek to meet their physical and spiritual needs.
DAY 4: Pray for the mothers and fathers in the Sav-A-Life education programs as they learn parenting skills and about what it means to have Christ as the center of their families.
DAY 5: Pray for God to raise up passionate volunteers at Sav-A-Life’s three locations. Pray for wisdom and guidance for Lisa Hogan, Executive Director, and the board as they lead this ministry.
DAY 6: Pray for people across Birmingham to support the three Sav-A-Life ministry locations. Ask God to raise up more women and men to volunteer across the three campuses, to pray diligently for the families facing abortion, and to give abundantly to provide care for those families.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Real Hope for Haiti. Gangs have been terrorizing citizens and inciting violence in Haiti. Nearly 80% of Haiti's capital is controlled by gangs. More than half a million people are homeless, many living in crowded and unsanitary makeshift camps and shelters. Many organizations like Real Hope for Haiti are facing great challenges to ministry.
DAY 1: Pray for God to restore peace to Haiti, for the gangs to be brought to submission, and for the violence against the people of Haiti to cease.
DAY 2: Ask the Lord to protect the people of Haiti from those who seek to harm and hinder peace.
DAY 3: Pray for God to provide Haitians with the necessities they need like food and clean water.
DAY 4: Pray for the international community to support and come to the aid of Haiti during this crisis.
DAY 5: Pray for some of the organizations and workers who have had to leave Haiti and desire to return. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom and discernment as they look to return and peace in their waiting.
DAY 6: Pray for the local workers at Real Hope for Haiti who continue to provide for the medical needs in their community. Ask the Lord to protect and strengthen them in the midst of great unrest.